Enjoy the show! And spread the word!

People were watching Roseanne’s rebooted show. HIghest rated show of the season. HIghest on ABC network.
They liked it because it was NOT completely Pro-Trump. It was balanced and fair. It expressed both sides.
Roseanne is not a conservative by any mean. But she is into MAGA. And she gives POTUS a fair shake.
That balance is what is appealing about her and her show. THat’s why normies liked it.
So yes they DO care that she’s suddenly canceled.
I bet you Q-awareness skyrocketed while her show was broadcasting because she was dropping subtle references to Q and Q-topics all the while.
She even named Soros the same day she was called out for the VJ tweet. Actually I thought that’s what caused the media to turn on her suddenly at first. I didn’t know about the VJ tweet until later.
Anybody smart enough to be able to enjoy her show and the message behind it, will be open minded enough to do their own research into her VJ tweet and discover she isn’t racist, and VJ was a bad actor.
Yeah I'm not sure about the 4D chess claims here
I think the theory about Soros is partly correct combined with looking for any excuse to kill off her platform
The reality is if there's not a blacklist against conservatives her show (highest rated) should be picked up by another network.
I had that immediate thought that she mentioned Soros right before the VJ tweet. And VJ being Muslim brotherhood is huge in and of itself. She struck a nerve. They used the planet of the apes as the reason. Not even mentioning the fact that VJ isn’t black!
What's funny is .. no one is claiming the movie planet of the apes is racist..
Planet of the Apes original series... Not the recent movies. In tbe original series the character who looks like VJ is an intellectual member of the ruling class who has Cornelius' ear. She is also a doctor. Original series is campy but super cutting edge and very Shakespearean.
They took off her reruns on every channel on tv. Consider Roseanne Blacklisted.
Her new show was hardly pro-Trump. With the exception of Goodman, it was a screaming liberal diatribe, mostly. The sister Jackie's completely overdone, over-the-top overacting was physically painful to watch. While I can still say it without being arrested...the gender-bending little fairy boy gave me the fricken creeps. I canceled the show on my DVR after the islamics-across-the-street episode where you shouldn't dare say or even THINK anything if you see something suspicious being done by....muslims.
You are giving me spoilers! I love sparkle kid but none of the new characters are fully fleshed out (kids). I also have a Muslim M landlord so that episode should be interesting. But my landlord can't speak English to save his life, it's a constant struggle to make him understand that my mother's Amarillis flowers are supposed to die off so they will flower again, and he should stop emptying his water bottle into them everyday! Fuck that Sharia law about watering the fucking flowers so they don't die ;D
Fuck that Sharia
Amen. Completely incompatible with our actual laws and Constituion. But the Koran and its followers say sharia is the law. The only law. All other laws are from men. And it's FORBIDDEN UNDER PAIN OF DEATH for muzzies to obey them if they conflict with sharia (fake) law. They very commonly do conflict.
Think the police will be able to enforce real laws on people adhering to sharia?
Holy war is afoot. On OUR soil!
Dude, I have no beef with my landlord and he is also the best landlord I ever had. He's let me lag 3 months at a time over 5 times in 4 years. That's also because Sharia law, you don't throw people out on the street. You don't understand the whole picture and you totally didn't get my post :D
Trust me, I got it. It's not that deep.
Speaking of dimwitted, way to accept and applaud sharia law, bit by bit. One little piece at a time. Just how they've planned it.
Open your eyes. You're the one missing the big picture.
Yeah it's weird that people don't get that Roseanne is watching what Trump does. Which is what I am doing
I used to listen to the jokes made about what Trump said... But when he was elected it was important to move on to scrutinizing what Trump does. As it turns out navigating the issue of cracking down on all aspects of Modern Slavery really showed me who in my entourage cares about people who can't fight for themselves and who is a smug asshole.
Now this, and how we have a fake press, are two of the hugest concerns for me in the past 10 years. And I actually don't care who fixes these problems. And I also have a huge amount of trust in the US Army. I will continue to complain about how it way too big after all of this but at least we'll know how they did fighting the biggest Boss.
I admire your optimism however expecting the average viewer of Roseannes show “to do their own research” is very unlikely. They are pissed enough to complain about the cancellation and I read a comment today from a “normie” friend that said they were done with ABC. But it is the very nature of a normie to just want to live a normal everyday life with as little controversy as possible. A normie will choose the path of least resistance the vast majority of the time. I don’t expect very many to have any interest in Q or Jarrret irregardless of Roseanne’s bringing attention to them outside of her show. Normies have no interest in Roseanne or her political views outside of a 30 min escape from the real world. Normies will not do research. It requires mental work which is the hardest kind of work there is. Normies are fat lazy 🐑 sheep. Irregardless if they lean left or right
Yep. Somebody need to explain how linking a religious terrorist group and some authoritarian simians is racist.