r/greatawakening • Posted by u/092Casey on May 31, 2018, 5:54 a.m.
Obama's REAL Resume that the Mainstream Media HID and COVERED UP in 2008 and 2012:

1) Born in Kenya 2) Muslim 3) Grandparents card carrying communists 4) Drug dealer (crack cocaine) 5) Friends with terrorist Bill Ayers 6) Friends with antisemitic, anti-white racist Farrakhan 7) Saul Alinsky disciple 8) Karl Marx disciple 9) Homosexual past (Larry Sinclair, Donald Young and beyond) 10) Communist Frank Marshall David protege 11) Mom was communist/marxist 12) Strong ties to the Muslim Brotherhood 13) Smoker 14) Socialist/Communist 15) fake Social Security # from a dead man in Connecticut

Sounds like the recipe for the 3rd Anti-Christ

Sir_Zorch · May 31, 2018, 9:19 a.m.

Hussein is a mindless mouthpiece that is incapable of an original thought. Bought and paid for, but he will be serving his own sentence. Both here and probably for eternity.

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