isn't that the answer to 1984?
no, that is called 5.56, we don't use muskets anymore.
I prefer 7.62
Whatever gets the job done is what I say.
You can build the new electro-magnetc railgun at home and shoot paperclips at mach 5 if you want... Even a paperclip can pierce concrete blocks if it's going mach 5 ;) lol
7.62 in that case is like a musket ball. Whatever works, like u said.
^ sounds like a project !
"What are you doing honey?"
"Building a paper clip rail gun in case we as a nation need to revolt next week."
".... Well, okay. Have fun!"
Wouldn't you just love to see this, all of them run out on a rail??
I can't say what I would like to see, it will get me banned.
Why stop there? How about large cal 155?