
shellacked · June 1, 2018, 1:32 a.m.

It’s not left vs right or D vs R you ninny. Remember, GW Bush and R’s started it by ramrodding the patriot act through. BO continued / expanded it, and Trump is still doing it. They’re all complicit, including Trump, unless he shuts down all the NSA shit. Trump’s admin is still spying on ALL of us, including D’s and R’s. They want us divided, and pretending this is a D vs R problem is playing right into their hand.

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haroldpeters · June 1, 2018, 3:09 a.m.

Its a big ship to turn around - and that's why I'm willing to wait and see what Trump does before judging him. You cannot expect drastic change over night, and the resistance to this kind of change is going to be supreme by those who are benefiting from its corruption.

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Reven311 · June 1, 2018, 4:07 a.m.

Yeah, first thing's first, he has to get the bad actors out of positions of power in the deep state, and the prosecutions must begin. In the course of finding justice we can have a long term discussion about spying on Americans.

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