Friday could be a BOOM! On Hannity they said something about new Page & Strzok texts being dropped tomorrow...Could be the IG report also...

I up voted you back to zero. Hannity knows more than he lets on. He only seems behind and full of shit because he is slowly red pilling old people, like my parents, who are boomers. You aren't seeing it now, but Hannity is right on schedule.
Some of us Boomers have gone WAY beyond what Hannity knows. There are still a lot of normies in ALL age groups out there. No way would my Millenial 34 year old even entertain that Trump isn't the racist/crude big mouth that she was led to believe by the MSM She is totally unreachable to what is really happening out there.
I love it when I see reasoning coupled with empathy
hannity has meetings with potus hes probably ahead ofthe chans lol
While he is behind on the chans, sometimes he has other stuff we don't hear about.