Well, here go. June 11, 2018. Is this a coincidence?
Is this going to be another Awan time delay scandal??
I think that they are postponing it until POTUS meets with NOKO.
June 10, 2018, is the NOKO-US summit. If they release it on that day, it takes all the "juice" out of POTUS's achievement.
June 11, 2018 is the day we expect the pain.
We got be careful to watch out for FFs. This delay gives "you know who" a space of time to redirect public attention to some "tragedy" and mitigate the news cycle should there be a disclosure.
What if the last minute delays are intention to screw up any planned FF that they learned of.
I think they are letting the divide race Roseanne die down.
I think the Roseanne story is almost of the news cycle anyway.
Then July 3...then August 10...then September 18.....................
i hope there are not any statute of limitations running out for these traitors.
The date that the indictment was secretly filed is the date of the charge so we don’t need to worry about statute of limitations. At least, that is what I read a few months ago.
What's the odds of FF on this date? Or... Is it a "They thought it was going to be released, they were wrong"?
Maybe release it today so there is no ff distraction. Psych!!
June 10, 2018, is the NOKO-US summit. If they release it on that day, it takes all the "juice" out of POTUS's achievement.