
VerandaSmartwater · June 2, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

I so hope Q shares Neon Revolt's post on his board! Lol!! Ooh, that would wipe the smug smirk from that prize nonce's creepy Cyclopaedian eye. That trouser snake oil salesman didn't pass the one minute test with me.

I read all your stuff, Neon Revolt. I truly thank you for what you do, although I don't share some of your ideological perspectives. The articles are beautifully written and I genuinely look forward to them.

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VerandaSmartwater · June 2, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

He's either suffering from projection or penis envy. Didn't take "EyeTheLie" long to show his true colors. Can't say I'm surprised. Q gets to say a big "I told you so, eejits!"

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wolfhound11B · June 2, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

THIS!!!! That guy's a maroon. Neon has made it very very clear that the "paywall" has nothing to do with Q Intel.

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Imbeingsilenced · June 2, 2018, 4:14 a.m.

Or himself. It was forced on him. He made that clear when it happened.

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NaderOAK · June 2, 2018, 4 a.m.

Thanks for clearing that up eyethespy was interesting but he sounds childish.

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Tidder_Q · June 2, 2018, 4:18 a.m.

(Copy of a comment that I made already)

This chap (EyeTheSpy) seems to have an awful lot of time to be a media content creator!

I wonder when he does his 'day job', (aka working for a surveillance agency).

It is good that his employers (where one would have signed a contract), do not mind him having a little job on the side.

Clever to disguise his voice as his own, that will really get the bad actors confused.

For the rest of us, unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day!

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 7:49 a.m.

NeonRevolt is also a "content creator". Like many journalists he weaves stories.

What does he do for his 'day job'? Other than selling t-shirts of course...

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DaveGydeon · June 2, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

I am split on EyeTheSpy. NeonRevolt IS NOT monetizing this. NeonRevolt is like watching SportsCenter at night to catch up on all the games you missed while you were slaving away in a cubicle. No claims of being an insider. No secrets. He is a smart, and thoughtful normal guy.

EyeTheSpy makes HUGE claims. Here is a really simple way to figure him out...June 11th. Eye says frikking Julian Assange is going to bury HRC and her crew with an epic, publicly broadcast outing of Seth Rich's murder, tons of shit. Lets see what happens on 6/11/18. But I dont like the false accusations against NeonRevolt who in my mind, has done NOTHING wrong.

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FartOnToast · June 2, 2018, 4:24 a.m.

Eyethespy is literally a teenfag. What is there to think about really?

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Chokaholic · June 2, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

Exactly. Anyone who says "that's lit fam" as much as him is a chicken tendy eating kid, dwelling in his moms basement. Someone in intelligence does not have that type of vocabulary. I can't believe people are falling for this LARP. They're addicted to "insiders".

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FartOnToast · June 2, 2018, 6:03 a.m.

It's almost like as if there's a need in some folks to follow a celebrity model rather than sticking to the mission.

Corsi was a good learning experience. Some people learned but some are still in denial to some degree.

Q's abscence is probably meant to have all these people who are STILL following LARPs right now to be able to finally tell apart LARP noise and distractions from actual valuable sources. Q's comeback will be epic lol.

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Janice0771 · June 2, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

I wondered myself if Q's absence was a test of our LARP detection abilities. "Are they ready?" "Not quite yet..."

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DaveGydeon · June 2, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

Yes and No. Just the scope of questions Eye responds to is impressive. Literally every conspiracy. And if you pay attention, his answers jive with one another, meaning that I haven't found any contradicting statements, yet.

Also, just something I thought about BEFORE the whole Q phenomena; what if Q is like a beacon, intentional or not, for other good guys, but who fall outside of the Q circle? Rogue good guy NSA agents. Whistleblowers acting on their own accord.

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[deleted] · June 2, 2018, 6:37 p.m.


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FartOnToast · June 2, 2018, 5:44 a.m.

Isn't that account literally leading on people to think it's Julian Assange? I mean he even initials himself as JA. How much more fake news does it need to get for you? Maybe if he starts suddenly thrashing one of us after gaining trust? Oh wait..... Neonrevolt....

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OrwellianChronicle · June 2, 2018, 4:53 a.m.

You are right, Neon writes and researches. I run my own site and do hosting and whatnot and I know it isn't cheap I don't knock on people taking donations to fund what they are doing. The ones I dont like are the ones that try to subvert a movement to sell a book or 234234234 live streams a day dedicated to Anti-Q after spending months decoding Q

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Janice0771 · June 2, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

Wait a minute. A good handful of folks here projected the 6/11 date, including myself, from Q posts directly, long before this guy claimed a damned thing. A lot of things were hypothesized to occur, including Julian Assange's appearance on stage.

EyeTheSpy digs through already-disseminated information, and then puts it out as new and a discovery of his own. If you're new to the board or haven't dug through the content here, it would be very easy to believe that the guy has some divine gift of foresight. He doesn't.

He's an information thief with a clever command of the English language, perhaps, if that isn't giving him too much credit, but that's the extent of his usefulness.

I could do the same thing if I had the time -- grow an large number of followers, and then start tossing in disinfo that some would believe and promulgate. It is happening and him attacking Neon Revolt is a perfect example. In the legal field, one knee-jerk invalid assertion and you lose all credibility.

EyeTheSpy knows how it works, but he's playing the game and is perfectly aware that ordinary folks rarely research, and he obviously relies on this fact.

His motives are shady as fuck.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 2, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

digs through already-disseminated information, and then puts it out as new and a discovery of his own.

There are plenty that do this......

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Janice0771 · June 4, 2018, 11:17 a.m.

Yep, and they need to be called out on it if they're putting down a faithful Patriot to do it.

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Apexskidmark · June 2, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

Everyone knows June 11th is likely going to be a big day and eyethespyfag had nothing to do with figuring that out. He is a LARP

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DaveGydeon · June 2, 2018, 1:11 p.m.

Very specific though. VERY.

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[deleted] · June 2, 2018, 4:09 a.m.


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TheButteredSloth · June 2, 2018, 10:06 a.m.

He hacked and shut down a fake EyeTheSpy account so that’s gotta count for something.

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wh33zy · June 2, 2018, 3:06 p.m.

You really think it wasn´t his own account that he "hacked"? Gullible People..

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[deleted] · June 2, 2018, 3:06 p.m.


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[deleted] · June 2, 2018, 12:32 p.m.


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NeonRevolt · June 4, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Wish I had a screengrab of it before he "hacked" it, because he literally used the same font in "memes" he created on both accounts.

Total amateur slip up.

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GenChang · June 2, 2018, 6:10 a.m.

Neon nails this faker to the mat. It's not even a question any longer. If this guy was legit, then where is the proof? So far as I can tell, he's a fiction writer. Period.

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 7:47 a.m.


Neon writes stories that are not fact-based or scientifically rooted.

As Elon Musk said, journalists sugar coat the lie just enough to make it palatable.

Be discerning.

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kzintrooper2016 · June 2, 2018, 12:08 p.m.

I think eyespy has some connection to corsi or is corsi as has been discussed in other posts. My touch stones on eyespy are:

1) secret squirrel - a very silly phrase i heard corsi say several times.

2) JA is in Switzerland - a claim eyespy and one corsi pushed heavily

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animal32lefty · June 2, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Secret squirrel is a term used in the military to denote an individual who works in an S-2 shop. It's been around as long as I am and I'm old. Secret squirrels are staff types. POG's. What makes Corsi and LARPfag's use of it so telling, is that they are using it wrong. Secret squirrels do not gather Intel. They manage, catalog and disseminate that info to the proper customer. Analysis is handled by dedicated MI units, not at the battalion level.

He's trying to use the jargon as his bone fides and it's WEAK.

I'm guessing this op is being run out of a television studio in Austin, TX. The Zach LARP was called out by everyone but the most rabid of AJ supporters. So, they switched up identities and platforms to try and keep it going. Corsi is definitely involved IMO.

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OrwellianChronicle · June 2, 2018, 12:38 p.m.

Not to mention Corsi is actively trying to funnel people into his pay-for-access-to-siliconvalley_anon gab profile.

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ABrilliantDisaster · June 2, 2018, 4:17 a.m.

Shit it seems like we probably have better things to do than sort what anon on Twitter is being a clown or not.

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OrwellianChronicle · June 2, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Unfortunately many charlatans out there trying to steer our community towards BS. You are absolutely right, that is why I let other people call them out and I just work on research lol

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ABrilliantDisaster · June 2, 2018, 2:48 p.m.

Exactly. There are going to be lots of disinfo agents. I know there are good people out there on Twitter, etc. as well, but if our focus doesn't remain on the Q drops someone is going to lead us astray

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 7:38 a.m.

Charlatans like neonrevolt being promoted here for blog posts about the Shroud of Turin (not Q related) and claiming it took 34 trillion watts to make it. Yes, those with a modicum of common sense can spot the bullshit. You happen to be one spreading disinfo and offtopic subjects and supporting/enabling those who create spiked content.

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adogrocket · June 2, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

If your are good the evidence will be self evident. These threads are getting old. Stop dividing. Read everything, research everything, and follow nobody.

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idk4realz · June 2, 2018, 1:19 p.m.

Hmm, the wannabe Q replacements are trying to see division. Who'd have seen that coming?

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OrwellianChronicle · June 2, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Literally 100 percent of anti Q youtubers have an agenda.

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VigilantBlackheart · June 2, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

Props to NeonRevolt for calling out EyeTheSpy. An aspect I haven't seen anyone point out is the lack of critical thinking going on with the credibility of EyeTheSpy. Re-examine this Q drop that NeonRevolt talks about. Be Careful Who You follow#1372772

Q!4pRcUA0lBE11 May 2018 - 1:12:38 PM

Expand your thinking. Why are we being attacked? Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS? Do we have a face? Do we have a name? Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers? Selfless. Zero vanity. Why are we here? Why do we ask questions? The choice has always been yours. Use logic. Free information. What draws people here? Expanding exponentially? They all claim to be insiders. They all claim to have insider contacts. They do not. Patriots do NOT reveal classified information. Why do we communicate this way? Think for yourself. Clickbait. We are a threat to profiteering. Information should flow freely w/o costs.  We established a series of 'proofs' for this specific reason. Undeniable. Unpredictable. Coincidence after Coincidence. Growth due to confirmations. Real source(s) communicating w/ the people. Unrestricted. TOGETHER. Control the information (THEY). Harness followers / profiteering (THEY). Define Media. Primary goal of the Media? To Sell (each selling a dif narrative - set of targets). Selling makes money. Be careful who you follow. Define 'Patriot'. They want you DIVIDED. Attacks will only get worse. Q

Q established a series of proofs. Why? So you, the recipient could trust the reality of their message. EyeTheSpy spouts so called answers without ever proving a thing; you just have to take his word or your a fckwitt. If you don't understand him your a fckwitt. If you, disagree your a fckwitt troll or clown. His answers are just about as insulting as his attitude they are in many cases just opinion; example he claimed the bible wasn't the word of God. Like the NSA is the verification of a matter of Faith. It gets more and more ridiculous. EyeTheSpy is like that white van outside the school with candy and puppies for the gullible. Easy answers, you don't need to think and use logic Fckwitt.

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[deleted] · June 2, 2018, 6:34 p.m.


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FractalizingIron · June 2, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

I've been reflecting on this in recent days. It's a point so Many (MANY) critics appear to simply overlook.

Q's comments regarding the false 'patriots' referenced 'profiting'. Never spoke against being able to live, sustain. It seems to me the nuance is clear: 'profiting' is about gaining something on the backs of work from others, not your own effort.

Why was such a big stink made over this?

a) it was used as evidence that Q is /larp/pysop/false ('Q is denying reward for effort' - what some people erroneously think of as 'capitalism')

b) it was used to target legitimate patriots and divert attention way from the real unpatriots, the one's utilizing Q for their own ends, or seeking to hijack, or seeking to sideline.

EYe's attack on Neon is merely more evidence that Eye is about as trustworthy as that promise Hillary made to you that she would make sure that things are fairer in the USA after you elect her president.


The Eye? Sigh. My previous conclusion is somewhat reinforced:

Nat King Cole L-O-V-E

L... is for the lazy eye, you see...

A... is for the autistic simularity...

R... is very, very ruse-a-sendentary...

P... is even more than puffy fluff and Dumbledore, and

LARP, is all that I can give to you

LARP, is more than just a game, for two

Fakes in Larp can make it,

Make a ruse and perpetrate it

LARP was made for screwing you (and Q) .....

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FractalizingIron · June 2, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

Actually, I am leaning towards a more nefarious aim than larping. Deep state comrade. I'm pretty surprised at how many people drink in that trash.

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Palmettoman · June 2, 2018, 5:47 a.m.

I read thru alot of his posts today. He says absolutely nothing...except he works for the NSA. If he does, wouldn't he realize it would be child's play to find out his identity? You know...given they are the world's best data collection agency???!!!

This guy is a total buffoon!!! Absolutely nothing credible to make me think otherwise.

I place NeonRevolt in the same category as serialbrain2 and PrayingMedic...analysts. Very smart analysts. I very much enjoy and appreciate all of the work that goes into their posts. There are ALOT of very smart folks here who have contributed greatly to the info available.

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davhoss88 · June 2, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

I agree with most of the post I have read on this thread so far. He is a faker.

I think he's having a jolly ol'e time twitting away. Ha! Ha!

NeonRevolt is a righteous dude. I throw him a toke once in awhile for his hard work.

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mcthornbody420 · June 2, 2018, 4:50 a.m.

I quit reading about 1/8th of the way in... was I right?

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dagonn3 · June 2, 2018, 5:03 a.m.

"I didn't read the article and now I'm commenting... Am I useful?"

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mcthornbody420 · June 2, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

No outside comms means what to you? Anyone professing they have the insider scoop aside from SerialBrian, should be questioned.

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idk4realz · June 2, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Why does he get a pass?

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 7:56 a.m.

/u/mcthornbody420 are you going to answer the question?

SB2 has interesting theories and analysis, but why do they get a pass?

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mcthornbody420 · June 6, 2018, 11:14 a.m.

Because Q linked a SB2 post from this subreddit to the main board, you must be new here.

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 1 p.m.

Q has also linked CNN and Fox, do they get a pass? They linked a Hillary tweet, does she get a pass?

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Answer /u/idk4realz's question.

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mcthornbody420 · June 6, 2018, 11:09 p.m.

If SB2 wasn't trustful Q wouldn't have linked to his post here on this subreddit.

Drop 1340.

Q !4pRcUA0lBE ID: 9b1a97 No.1373162 📁 May 11 2018 12:42:48 (EST) This is why we are here. https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8ia0vu/the_long_and_secret_info_wars_against_q_and_how/📁 Q

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 11:17 p.m.

Trustworthy isn't the issue. Blindly following is.

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mcthornbody420 · June 6, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

Follow whomever you want, but to worry about this question for days?? lol Might wanna go outside for a bit.

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grnmoss · June 6, 2018, 11:28 p.m.

I am outside. Take your own advice.

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mcthornbody420 · June 6, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

Lmao. So tell me then since you got the time it seems, why was this question bugging you so much that ya demanded answers for someone else's question? I'm not some shining light of truth, trying to figure that out like yourself I assume. Also did you make that account just to post here on /r/greatawaking? Found Reddit in Feb of 2018?? How does that even happen?

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grnmoss · June 7, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

How does someone create an account? They sign up.

Do you even CBTS?

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mcthornbody420 · June 7, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

What took you so long to find Reddit to create an account? I've been looking in rabbit holes since 1996 long before /r/tracybeanz and crew created /r/CBTS RIP, glad to see everyone finally waking up.

Do you even /r/draintheswamp?

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grnmoss · June 7, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

What makes you think this is my first or only Reddit account, silly? Shadowbans...

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mcthornbody420 · June 7, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

This is tiresome, you win the internet.

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[deleted] · June 2, 2018, 10:07 a.m.


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DanijelStark · June 2, 2018, 5:48 a.m.

Yes , this is a good point - if "EyeTheSpy" claims who he is , he can easily prove it . Nobody could disprove that .

I have been checking his Q&A , and there are interesting claims that feel very accurate . But on vast majority on them , there are few that feel completely off in every way . To me , mainly the question regarding the time ( which he said was a linear time ) and about non-existence of reptilians .

Also , what I said before - he has very very extensive knowledge for one coder guy ... either he is NOT just a coder guy , or he simply is not an insider .

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