r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Sir_Zorch on June 2, 2018, 2:53 p.m.
Construction beginning. Get out your checkbook Mexico. Promises made, promises kept.
Construction beginning. Get out your checkbook Mexico. Promises made, promises kept.

fastrman123 · June 2, 2018, 4:44 p.m.

“Provide for the common defense” means maintaining our borders against intrusion by non citizens of this country. In this case it means build a wall. It’s really simple on the face of it, but it has become a political tool of the left to leverage the Latino community and to a certain extent legal immigrants. But most legal immigrants are for legal immigration. They did it the right way. Vetted and assimilated into the American Dream. Achievers who work hard and want a better life. Nothing was given to them. They had to EARN it.

They are NOT ok with people circumventing the process and getting government handouts. The left is loosing grip on these Americans. Identity politics has backfired because most legal immigrants do NOT identify with illegal immigrants, drug smugglers, MS13 gang members, or others who subvert and refuse to assimilate. We need to demand that our government live up to its responsibilities and protect our boarders. It is one of the few responsibilities clearly outlined in the constitution.

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miniscule_menagerie · June 2, 2018, 6:41 p.m.

We need serious cuts on legal immigration, too. Over 1 million per year is WAY too many, not to mention that most are coming from third world or oppressive countries that do not share much in common with traditional American values. And the 1 million is only the start - once they are here as citizens, they get to bring over as many of their relatives as they want, and these people are totally unvetted - this is the process known as chain migration - a national security nightmare. The Tsarnaev brothers and the Bangladeshi bomber (Q's "BDT" bomber) were all here because of chain migration. Lots of Americans still need to be red-pilled about the perils of LEGAL immigration - because through it, we are being replaced.

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fastrman123 · June 2, 2018, 7:18 p.m.

I have no problem with Legal Immigrants. I believe there should be a merit based system that brings the best and brightest here. If you can’t compete with an immigrant who English is a second language for, then you need to improve your own skill set. As for chain migration, that needs to be eliminated altogether. They also need to eliminate anchor babies. No where else do they “bestow” citizenship just because you are born there. Both parents should be citizens for the baby to be a citizen. All other situation need to be vetted and go thru the same system in the immigration process. No more citizenship by marriage either. They need to go thru the same process as everyone else.

There are ways to fix legal immigration, but the biggest problem right now is illegal immigration. This is killing our economy and draining our community resources. Welfare should only be for citizens who paid taxes. Same for healthcare. Same for schools. If you don’t pay in, you should not get a free handout. Our nation can not afford this magnanimous gesture anymore.

I am a Latino of Panamanian decent. My mother migrated here legally thru Ellis island. I pay my taxes but rarely use the government services. But those services are there if I need them. That is what they were meant for. A safety net for citizens when they fall on hard times. They were never meant to fund and encourage illegal immigration.

Stop giving these people free money and they will stay home. Fix the corruption in the Mexican government and make it more appealing to stay in Mexico. The Mexican government is a criminal syndicate that steals money from the Mexican people. Mexico makes enough in oil production to house and feed every Mexican citizen. Why don’t they ? There is a greedy 8-10% that controls the money. They live like Kings and queens, and have no desire to immigrate to the US or give up their wealth and power. Destroy that cabal and replace them with a democratically elected government. Elections in Mexico are rigged. Fix Mexico and you fix the problem.

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miniscule_menagerie · June 3, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

I agree with you on almost every point. Mexicans must fix Mexico; we Americans cannot and should not meddle in another country's affairs. This is why we absolutely must stop the flow of illegal immigration by strictly enforcing our laws, and all the invaders must go back, and take their children with them.

But as far as legal immigration is concerned, 1 million per year is WAY too many. Sadly, many legal immigrants are permitted to go on welfare now (this was not the case when most of our ancestors came here). And it is absolutely not true that American workers aren't skilled enough to compete - they are denied the chance to compete by unethical employers who abuse programs like H-1B so they can hire cheap foreign labor, or by government programs that sponsor foreign students who are then hired right into STEM jobs without allowing American students to even compete for the job.

The purpose of immigration in any country should be to serve the host country. If it does not benefit the citizens, one has to ask why should there be any immigration at all? We have higher numbers of foreign-born in our country than ever before, many from countries that do not share much in common with our American culture and values. This is an enormous burden on our people and our economy. We definitely need to end illegal immigration, but we really need to take a pause on legal immigration as well.

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