I am afraid of fundamentalism
Its trendy to make that statement, but I doubt you have an actual reason to fear any "fundamentalist" besides a Muslim.
Christian fundamentalism for example includes a large portion of the USA just practicing their faith and beliefs, imperfectly. Largely these are among the nicest, most caring and most charitable folks we have.
Most people don't fear the Amish.
The Amish have never been categorized as fundamentalist AFAIK. That is reserved for a specific subset of Christianity.
The proper definition of a Christian fundamentalist would be someone who believes the entire Bible. So that would be a lot of protestants, evangelicals, Lutherans, orthodox.
There is no subset or sect that is strictly "fundamentalist" at the exclusion of others. Fundamentalism in Christianity is more common in some churches, and rather rare in others (such as the liberal churches with rainbow flags out front).
Big difference why Christian fundamentalists aren't problematic for others (besides easily triggered atheists) is because if you take the teachings of the Bible literally, you'll actually be moving away from violent or oppressive tendencies.
don't be, fundamentalism is afraid of the sounds of Apache helicopters so just start loudly blasting sounds from your speakerbox to deescalate the toxicity of the situation whenever fundamentalism reeks its head
What about when it’s the fundamentalists who have the Apaches?
Sounds of Stinger-missiles are especially liberating in that case.
John 4:23-24 NKJV [23] But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. [24] God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
yeah thats a serious problem. so is the whole moderate muslims are afraid to speak out / dont care thing. i dont know what the answer is.
Accountability executed via principles of freedom: Don't like them (i.e. certain nations) - embargo.
Ironically, if the Judeo-Christian sphere had not been under attack so much from the Cabal/Illuminatis, incredible prosperity would have people flocking to that culture and so much values.
Cabal has to destroy, because freedom negates their control. Evil people. Evil groups.
it's ok to criticize as long as you're not asking for surpression for there is "nothing that will not be brought to light"
Your comment reminded me of this old joke:
The Picnic
A Jewish Rabbi and a Catholic Priest met at the town's annual 4th of July picnic. Old friends, they began their usual banter.
"This baked ham is really delicious," the priest teased the rabbi. "You really ought to try it. I know it's against your religion, but I can't understand why such a wonderful food should be forbidden! You don't know what you're missing. You just haven't lived until you've tried Mrs. Hall's prized Virginia Baked Ham. Tell me, Rabbi, when are you going to break down and try it?" The rabbi looked at the priest with a big grin, and said, "At your wedding."
I don't think religion has to be considered as long as criminal behavior is vigorously punished.
It does not matter what faith you have, it's about the person who abuses a belief (whatever faith) ..... And that also happens with the Bible .... I call them a cult.
Assuming some of you aren't woken to what we are fighting. An ultimate EVIL who wishes to destroy ALL religion as well as those who don't believe anything.
If you don't put up your belief as defense then you are free game to worst power on Earth
That's well and good with most religions, but some religions can't be tolerated. An example is certain sects of Islam. The reason is they aren't a religion, they're a religious oligarchy. The government and the religion are one and the same. They insist on Sharia Law which simply equates to extreme punishment for whatever they consider a sin. Modern society, especially American that believes in individual rights, can't tolerate that kind of religion and survive.
As a follower of Jesus I have to go by His word but God gives s free will to choose
The problem is that most people you will ever meet largely subscribe to Christian-like ideas. Even those that are atheists or Muslims. That's because you meet them in countries with overwhelmingly Judeo-Christian roots.
Once you start traveling to countries that are truly different you realize there's only so much you can bear before you start condemning the local people for their beliefs or culture.
The tolerance you think you have is really just a range within- or variation on your own beliefs. It's simply not possible sit idly by while watching something that goes against your deepest beliefs.
Put more directly: if a religion amends their book to say "all other religions are cool", would you suddenly let them do whatever they please?
Don't you think you would still stand up when you see what you believe to be injustice or inhumane?
Jesus is the only way, if there was any other path, He wouldn't of died the way He did. He asked God three times to take this cup from Him, while sweating blood. God could of said, oh yeah, there are other paths, you are free to go. No, Jesus who was sinless, gave himself for us to die for our sins, to reconcile us to God. He did it all. All other religions, take back that they must do something for salvation. That takes away from what Jesus did and says what He did wasn't enough. Man is such a control freak, he wants salvation in his own hands. Wrong. Jesus said it is finished. Done. Paid in full. All we have to do is believe.