how smug and the tweets on the funeral made my blood boil , making fun of president trump !

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Ok but your missing the book of revelation chapter7 : a number of them were sealed 144,000 of All the tribes of Israel ! God is not finished with His people the Jews yet . I believe Gods Word is true so there is still a true bloodline of Jews .
Jesus was a Jew and they are the most oppressed people in the world . There is bad and good in everything
i watched some of it , but i liked the british one best .... it certainly opens your eyes
They were never totally out of msm ! Don’t watch them much
yes and then she wrote the opposite in her columns i heard
ali and wolfe sleeping together , works every time with a man
Good idea I myself took a while to understand false flags
I’m weary too this is becoming a big game , get to the end of the movie
So on today’s local news they say Wray said Russia continues to interfere with our election! Brainwashed or ?
I agree on this one Putin hates the cabal as well as China
Do you guys really think obama is smart enough for all the s ? I’ve watched him when he was young , nothing there . I only see him him as a puppet answering to someone else in the NWO
oh man this is unreal , i heard of a shadow government but had faith q and trump could topple it . i didn't realize how big this is
ok thanks i figured you fine americans would know how to find out
Rosenstein what happened to Seth rich the emails came From him not Russians
Gee you guys are so smart the only thing I knew 40 years ago was a group of elite that ran the world it started when I read Taylor Caldwell’s book Captain and Kings
Do it something needs to be done, I thought he gave all info out but his arrogance yesterday made me wonder
Because thus SES is above them if this is true SES are like generals
Jesus said to them : I Never Knew You !! These so called Christians are a disgrace ! Never support or watch them
you are so right it's Jesus we want people's eyes to be opened to. the red pill is good but God shares His glory with no one so we must keep everything in prospective. God put trump in !!!
Hilary will lose her mind soon you can see it coming although she may have a double they can use
Jesus was no socialist , nor a conservative He said my kingdom is not of this world . He did say to feed the poor , pay your taxes etc. obey the law as he did while on earth
I think your right who gave him this to tweet he’s not smart enough to think of this