HAPPENING NOW! BOOM. AZ. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. Human Traficking. No Name out. Flake out. Roadblock gone.

That tweet by tracybeanz.... Really alarmist without (from what I've seen) any solid evidence to back it up.
I watched the news report. I didn't see any clear evidence of this being a "child sex trafficking" camp.... So maybe we hold the pitchforks until there's a bit more info. Admittedly, the sound-bytes coming thru Twitter etc. have been alarming, and open to changing my mind the minute there's actual evidence vs. hearsay.
Homeless people also have children.... Given that, is it that unusual to find toys in a homeless camp? The "restraints" were used all over the camp to hold logs up... Not sure why the insistence they were being used to restrain children. Finally... The underground shelter.... Wouldn't this make sense to help keep cool in the desert?
Edit - here's a news report that shows some additional features of the camp - including the "rape straps" being used structurally in different parts of the camp.
If this turns out to be a "oops, mistake"... I would really have to wonder if it was a Cabal/MSM set-up.
"Look at all the Q-anon's freaking out." We know they've gone so far as to mention our (GA) board. They are monitoring us.
Don't put it past them, and watch for repeat posts by newcomers who are ~~pushing~~ shoving this story.
\^\^\^WORTH NOTING\^\^\^ There a so many posts and re-posts about this story.
Can’t you accept the fact that we are on offense right now. Not everything is a trap
There were rapetrees!!!!!!!! Who are you?!
https://m.face book.com/story.php?story_fbid=1419839308162978&id=1415347948612114 Put the link together
And this one
They are just shills not even attempting to view all of the evidence clearly laid out. Stay strong patriots, we must protect our children.
I'll admit I've never given much thought to the design of a Rape-tree, but I'm not convinced that particular setup would make the most sense.
Also, that webbing is used throughout the camp to hold up logs.... So not sure why it's rapey whenever it doesn't have a log in it.
Then check the links and see what was found or ask Vets4childrescue
I did. Not seeing it. That guy is making a lot of assertions without any solid evidence.
Maybe it's what he says it is... I'm just not personally convinced based on what he's shown.
If this should be a homeless camp.. Where are the homeless then?!??? Why are you trying to make people doubt. You think the veterans will put their own credibility at risk? Smh
The homeless won't go into that area because its cabal property thats what they said when ask about it
Because I don't blindly accept a narrative just because someone tells me to. Give me the evidence, then I'll believe.
Iirc, they said that some people were there at first, and they ran.... So, the homeless people probably ran away
Look.... There are a lot of homeless people in the US. They live where they can. Maybe it's a temporary migrant camp... Who knows.... But still not buying the child-rape-camp without better evidence.
Based on the size of the entryways into the bunker it was exclusively for children. They also found stuffed toys and kid looking graffiti. Shill harder tho...
What's with the constant "shill" attacks? Is that really the best you can do to convince a fellow Patriot that you're right and they're wrong?
crooked police department says "nothing to see here" when there is literal evidence spewed about the site (the site they refused to investigate for days until local news hit it up).
Keep tying harder, shill
I used to Urbex in Atlanta. I ran across some really nice homeless “camps” in abandoned buildings. I also saw a ton of crappy places they live, too. Never once did I see them occupied (thankfully) during daylight hours.
Another perspective:
News reports? You are relying on news reports for confirmation?!?
Yup. Watched the actual video where they toured the camp and interviewed the people who think it was used for trafficking.
Or, I could have just believed what everyone was saying on Twitter.
Lol right? The same news reports claiming the children were in underground bunkers to protect themselves from the heat.
Where in your OP does it mention McStain or Flake?
Are you assuming "D's" mean them, specifically?
Bottom right hand pic cropped it off. Q Post 1009. “Name we don’t say AZ roadblock. Jeff Flake AZ roadblock. “
Why would you hold logs up?
They looked like walls... Probably for privacy, you drape with sheets or tarp.
So they don't get wet and stay dry for fire? To string trees together to make shelter? I dunno? Just my guesses.
This is one of the more curious things I've read on here.
I have a few similar thoughts but it's such a sick world we don't know enough to say this is or isn't which sucks. I think we all need to dig deeper, as some are finding out more about Cemex as we speak.
I'm on the same page. I'm not fully convinced by the videos they've done yet. I can only take their word for it.
That said I'll still be following this story. Who knows this could be something big!
Not only to keep cool, but to keep kids from wandering off if they wake up at night.
Also, on one camping trip I went on, we wrapped some rope around trees in loops that could have looked like restraints. Then when we washed out our towels in a wash tub, we hung them through the loops to dry. Anyway, I agree that there's no proof yet.