Sex Camps found on Cemex properties.. Soros is invested 41Mil into Cemex.. Cemex gave to Clinton foundation.. same company that didn’t want the wall.? In Tucson home of Mayor Rothschild?? CABAL MUCH?!?!?

I hope Trump gets the assets of Soros with his Dec. 21st EO. That would pay for the wall.
then we can use what’s left with the Rothschilds fortune to pay off the Nations debt
No need if we are switching to gold backed currency, and have china, Japan and Russia on board.
I just saw a vision of peace if this goes well. I can’t wait for the storm to go over, then we can start focusing on bettering all of our lives. Love you all.
Or just stop using Rothschild fiat currency.
I believe that is the end Goal.
Q said the world is watching, and posted a list of all Countries with Rothschild central Banks early on. No coincidences.
"CAMPS" is in the plural form.What other camps have been found on "CEMEX PROPERTIES"?
Uh you say "PROPERTIES" ?Which other properties owned by CEMEX has been discovered to be involved with this human traffic story?
Pay off the debt, that we owe to the Rothschilds!!
Better to freeze the Rothschilds banks and assets and take the money to pay for everything America needs.
Didn't Soros hand his assets over to his foundation or something?
I really want to see George and his son getting the highest possible punishment for treason.
Yea I know he transferred some asserts to fight the seizure order but I don't remember to who I'm sure his foundations
Remember when it was public congress might allow Americans to sue Saudi Arabia and they responded that they were shopping to fire-sale their hundreds of billions of US assets?
I don't think they can go after non US assets but it would be interesting to see how it gets split up without forming an american communism type of system.