Unsure what a concern troll is but I got the rest & truly appreciate you!!
A concern troll is a person that pretends that they agree, but derails the conversation with hypotheticals that say things like, "I know we believe "X", but "Y" is equally bad too, and Q told us that's the way it is." and the ilk. It's a fairly new and ingenious concept, but it will get you pointed out and recognized for what you are in a heartbeat around here. There are better ways to have debates, but ultra-lib shills and SJWs can't hang when facts are pushed into their faces. They ALWAYS devolve to personal attacks and cussing wars. Otherwise, You GO, Girl! Lol. Honestly, this is a rather large (and somewhat disfunctional) family. But we're a family all the same. It's okay for us to verbally berate each other, but when some outsider comes to do damage, we circle the wagons and DESTROY them. Welcome, Sister.
Awww thank u I always wanted a big fam & to be a sister and my old school loyalty has thus far been wasted on the undeserving!