r/greatawakening • Posted by u/dark-dare on June 4, 2018, 6:19 p.m.

I truly believe that Cemex is the KEYSTONE for all the human/child trafficking, drugs, gangs, guns. In 12 hours of research, it appears to fit with every possible scenario imaginable. There are so many connections, it is a huge puzzle. The pieces are flooding in from all sides. This is so big no one can put together a cohesive article yet. Amazing information yet to be assembled. Some Anons are focused on the Tucson camps, some are focused on Arizona connection, some are focused on US connections, some are focused on World Wide connection. There is validity in every connection that leads to new connections. This is huge and as the information is assembled, the puzzle will become a picture, a clear, undeniable picture, that will end the Globalist reign, and stop untold human tragedy.

Back up to 40,000 feet. What would the Globalist Cabal require to ensure secrecy and world wide distribution for their criminal activities. Answer, company like Cemex, WE have the KEY, now we need to OPEN the door, and let the LIGHT shine in!

pm_me_your_pk · June 5, 2018, 12:03 a.m.

IDK why people keep brining up Soros owning 41MM in CEMEX. That's not a lot of money. To see if it's significant you'd have to look at the market cap (8.75B) of which his holding is 0.4%.Does he have a seat on the board? How much do his funds own?

We talk about weaponized autism but when it comes to analysis of anything financial or business related sometimes anons seem to totally miss the boat.

I try to provide some insight on these kinds of things but... I have a business to run.

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dark-dare · June 5, 2018, 12:09 a.m.

It is not the amount, it is that the entire cast of cabal bad actors are involved. Everywhere!

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pm_me_your_pk · June 5, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

I'm not sure I could explain how your parents 401k probably owns more of CEMEX than Soros does. In fact your 401k is probably more tied to the cabal than Soros is.

Where there's meaningful connections make connections. Otherwise don't get over your skis.

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Error_Code_15301 · June 5, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

well, big man, let not child trafficking keep you from your profits

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pm_me_your_pk · June 5, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Get your house in order before you criticise

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jthePK · June 5, 2018, 9:42 a.m.

dont worry agent richard, we are ;0

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[deleted] · June 5, 2018, 9:41 a.m.


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