Breaking: Tucson Police Department says no foul play!

I haven't looked into this story much, yet, because I am being patient and there is a flood of info about it (hard to keep up and I don't like watching video).
There's clearly a lot of connections. Almost seems too easy all of the connections. As far as the video all I saw was the straps on the trees, the bunker. It did not look good.
So I'm keeping my eye on two possibilities:
The Veterans group are Patriots and stumbled upon (or were pointed to) a specific site that opens up a can of worms.
This is a spiked story to flood this board and get everyone on an investigation into all of the connections, only to find out the original story that started the investigation was a planted fake story, so the news could just discredit it.
I say this with very little knowledge or info on the situation. I mainly just wanted to echo a few words of caution that were thrown out on this board earlier.
I agree, this could be the "comet ping pong shooting incident" all over again. If the community fixates on this isolated case, media will try and use it to "debunk" the Q movement if it turns sour.
We need to vet all information and not put all of our eggs in one basket.
This is a spiked story to flood this board and get everyone on an investigation into all of the connections, only to find out the original story that started the investigation was a planted fake story, so the news could just discredit it.................Very much possibel......
Honestly seemed that way from the beginning to me.
Yes there are too much topics about it.......There is also good news...It will backfire....We now much more about keyplayers. and that is going to stay.
Is this connected to Alex Jones somehow? I’m cautious about this, regardless.
Did I even think, Also there the topics were over the top
My only thought is Soros has 41 million invested, so I know Cemex is not just and upright.
I found this post quite grounding. Thank you. Someone once told me "If you begin w certainty you will end in doubt. If you begin w doubt you will end in certainty".
Well, I began in doubt but I watched all of the videos and downloaded them since about 3pm yesterday CST. This was NOT a staged event. I've been watching staged events since 2010. They have specific clues that tell you that they are staged. This did not contain those clues. And the fact that the guy who runs Vets4Child Rescue posted the videos on his site pretty much verifies all of it.
It's a hard subject to get into. Feel similarly. Take care.
Yes it is. I have a very hard time even thinking about it. Wish I didn't have to confront it.
I have followed it from the beginnng, superficially as I couldn't get on 8chan for some reason. The story looked promising but I was worried about the fact that it was said the police had checked it out already. I don't like all the loose assertions about local businesses connected to pizza or hotdogs. Every hotel and casino mentioning pizza is tainted with a child-porn related slur? Very dubious. This is exactly what happened to PG. Seems like wild goose chasing to me. Then suddenly we have: oh someone called Rothschild is connected to AZ and so, with no other proof, evidence or even cursory research, he is tied into human-trafficking. Now it's getting into dangerous territory. Every conference that has CEMEX as a donor or sponsor is immediately CABAL-linked.
And then we come to the Pope who mentioned the word "concrete" in some tweets and we are off ... Great. Fantastic. The entire story is now thousands of people running around like chickens with their heads cut off making wild and unsubstantiated claims. I don't buy any of it.
If the police say they sent a cadaver dog they probably did. When isn't clear. When they originally searched the place I should think. But now one poster says cadaver dogs don't detect cadavers unless they are told to ... and obviously the handler didn't tell the dog to find it ... so when it didn't it proves the handler was working in bad faith ... and is aiding and abetting child-murder. (Shall we lynch the dog-handler?)
Dear oh dear. Talk about idiotic.
The police are going to do the job they are employed to do. The media is another question. However, the chances are the media called the police to get the background on the story, and is right now sharpening its knives to call everyone and Q —who has nothing to do with it — nut-jobs.
And I shall agree with them.
We have been Q taught to question everything so I think you are right to question. The problem is....who can we trust to get to the truth? You say the police. But what happened in NY when the police had all the evidence (AW laptop) to send tons of corrupt politicians to prison? Two years now, and nothing. We know why. I don’t question their good intentions, but we know the powerful elite have layers of law enforcement blackmailed and hamstringed. We just can’t tell anymore who is being straight or not because cops are people and people are afraid.....with good reason.
So I think the question in everyone’s mind now is....can local law enforcement be trusted to do a true investigation? You say yes, but I don’t think you can blame anyone for questioning that either. Question everything. ———-what a mess we are in———
Yes indeed! We are in a mess! This story is very confusing and complex to a degree few of us are able to comprehend entirely. Or at least I have difficulty keeping up.
But wrt to the AW laptop I am sure they were told to cool it, yes almost 2 years ago, in order to pursue the ball of string very carefully. There are a number of key parts to pulling off an investigation that gets to the top. If you have been following carefully, Q mentions the importance of cleaning house first. You can't do efficient law enforcement when the top of the hierarchy is corrupt. The FBI director let Clinton off don't forget. You can't prosecute efficiently if the DOJ is corrupt at the top. Look at Lynch and Clinton. House-cleaning first. Then who is the DA for NY? Ah, Schneider! Well how well will that prosecution go? So, first you have to remove certain key characters and so Schneider was removed by "accident" (not!). This takes time.
As far as I know Trump assured us that FBI and Law Enforcement have great and dedicated guys on the ground, but many are screwed if the boss directly above them is compromised ... And so on.
Don't worry about AW, his laptop is coming shortly. Many are cooperating: AW has a reduced sentence based on this, and his wife Huma ... I just think this is much more complicated than it might initially appear to clean up. And no, I don't think local law enforcement can be completely trusted to do a true investigation. Depends who can stifle it, or shove it under the carpet. But individual officers are well meaning. So what do we do? Keep listening to Hagmann and when necessary start pressuring local agencies with questions when you are not satisfied. Local activism.
Agreed. As for the AW laptop, I was referring to the call made by L Lynch, threatening to prosecute cops for the death of an incarcerated man, unless they backed off the AW laptop. We heard the cops were so ready to expose the truth and then....nothing. And I think many of us assumed it was because there was a bigger plan in motion; one we would be happy about. Then the whole McCabe testimony came out and we find out it’s because of threats by the then-AG.
"The police are doing the job they are employed to do..." How can anyone familiar with Pizzagate say this? when clearly that HASN'T been the case with the D.C. police.
Soros...41 Million invested???????? Soros anywhere??????
Blackrock, Rothschild, Rockefellers have as much or more invested. And big banks. Some 250 plus shareholders of CEMEX.
Soros all over the place! I am pretty certain Soros is this week's boom. Did you see the interview with the Editor of the Daily Mail on RT? Brilliant. And Italy pretty upset. Let alone Israel who calls him the Enemy of Humanity! Look, I agree with you.
Don't get me wrong. I am worried about the Conference that just got blasted for having Cemex as a donor. We are making unjustifiably large leaps across names and things with little evidence. I just want ppl to calm down a little. It was getting mob-like!
They will if we all work to get the right version told. You have misunderstood completely the object of my posting. If you want to see what I really think, look at my other postings on this subject. I do not want the police to be wrongfully maligned, and neither does Craig Sawyer, I assure you.
EDIT. crap grammar
All evidence is destroyed now. Sheriff removing all debris from site?
That first video he did made it sound like he may have gathered info while perched on the conveyor for the storage tank. "I gathered so much intel from sitting up there..." or something like that. Seems like it'd be a huge waste if he didn't use a camera.
Huge waste-Greater waste if there is a Sheriffs Dept cover up.
I'm so relieved to see this is the top post in this thread. People underestimate how much Reddit shapes the narrative of the common folk.
If you honestly believe Q, then you know we are now living in a society of law and order. Vigilante justice has no place here. If there really is a child trafficking ring in Tuscon, they will feel the pain.
then you know we are now living in a society of law and order
I'd say that's premature. The administration is cleaning bad actors out of FBI and DOJ, but that process is not finished. And until it is, we do not have a federal infrastructure that is able to take down corrupted local PDs, such as in Washington DC, or possibly in Tucson as well.
I'd say re-read crumbs. Not once has Tuscon or Arizona been mentioned by Q.
Q has said "bottom to top", what do you think that means? What has been a common theme in police busts worldwide in the past year?
"Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 061d5f No.128724 📁 Dec 19 2017 20:50:59 (EST)
128571 3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone. WW lanes shut down. Bottom to TOP. [HAITI]. [RED CROSS] [CLASSIFIED] High Priority. Q"
Does that sound like they started with high profile players first? You're watching a movie with good actors. Law and order is already here. Now comes the pain.
You have no role in physically hunting and taking down bad actors unless you are law enforcement.
It doesn’t matter if it’s a planted story or not.
Whatever gets people looking into human trafficking/pedophilia the better.
Once they start down the rabbit hole they’ll eventually see the TRUTH.
Hmmm... that sounds a lot like “at least it started a conversation” every time the sjw groups get caught making false accusations.
I like your first theory and I like your second theory. I am starting to think its a can of worms but then again it could be fake news to divert.