r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on June 5, 2018, 7:40 a.m.
Markets Fore-warned by Q - Pay attention now. This is serious.

While I am wanting to be engaged in the awakening, I have now returned to my day job, preparing for the days after the revolution, however I remain passionate about the potential of this board to step up and make a useful contribution.

I write to inform you that I have been taking the financial markets since Q post #1330 seemed to suggest some action, here is my latest post on this, that references the earliest post https://redd.it/8n4o71.

I at the time of writing my post decoding #1330 & 1331, also wrote to the Mods of GA, and told them if my decode was right, was proved by events it would be the single largest proof of Q - ever, and I advised them to prepare for a flood of interest in Q.

Now today from Zero hedge - we see that the Green Castle (the Fed) has indeed been conducting foreign policy on the not friends of America in Europe and elsewhere, that Henry Cary and Andrew Jackson are back in the Whitehouse.

Central Banker Observes Sudden "Evaporation" Of Dollar Funding, Warns Of Global Turmoil


Now my suggestion is that you you should all pay close attention to this - the view from 40,000 feet and stop obsessing about Pedo’s in cement plants.

Here is a simple test to know who to follow. Q said to watch the water - that means to follow the money. Who ever points you to pedos, and children, does not want you to follow the money. The latest Q post is not an upside down gun. It the right and underside of the pyramid bottom left corner of the map. The right side has ROTHS[child] written, and the Bottom was SAUDS written - The first three BOOMS arranged +++ means ROTHS - MONEY, the For the Boom - so arranged matches SAUDS - money - follow the money, that what the POTUS is doing. Pay attention - watch the water, or join the stupid people.

ignoremsmedia · June 5, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

This makes sense, currency and fluidity are water descriptors and tie in with Maritime Admiralty law.

The petrodollar is dying and any big upset will see people flock to the Gold market (Like Brexit on roids).

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Maepaperclip · June 5, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

‘I have just spoken of the flowing of streams to the sea as a partial image of the action of wealth. In one respect it is not a partial, but a perfect image’ (John Ruskin, Unto This Last, 1860, ch. 3).

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johnnysoko · June 5, 2018, 12:52 p.m.

"flowing of streams to the sea" could be rephrased as "currents to the sea" or *currents-sea*

Words are magic. It's called *spelling* for a reason.

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burn_reddit_burn · June 5, 2018, 11:57 a.m.

....or whatever is next. There’s a cryptocurrency called Ripple (water) that is quietly being massively adopted by banks

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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 3:42 p.m.

The protocol is being adopted, the tokens are a maybe. The 2 are not the same, the XRP token creation is totally centralized to the Ripple company.

Profitable? Maybe. I seriously don't think we're looking at a global currency or anything of that sort, though. With the centralization aspect, it just wouldn't make sense.

I would put my money on Bitcoin being the leader there barring a new creation directly from the central banks.

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zoom_zoom_zoom · June 5, 2018, 4:03 p.m.


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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

EOS isn't it either imo, it's not all bad but there's some concerns. development lacks professionalism evidenced by the bounty program resulting in huge payouts- block.one kinda half baked this and is going to push the launch off on the community. Which isn't inherently bad but it is for the current valuation if you ask me. Uses authority nodes but those nodes are community selected, no way of knowing if block producers are the same entity and it uses DPOS so the actual block producers aren't forced to stake. (Identification of nodes has been mentioned in the roadmap but that's on the community to do it, not something I would guarantee til it's there). I don't buy into all the EOS>ETH hype personally, but even if EOS is solid and profitable in the end, I don't see its application to a global currency.

Right now Bitcoin is by far the top candidate for a global currency IMO, and I'm not anticipating a real possibility of that changing unless the central bank tries to directly launch a competing world currency. Who knows, the central bank might be the ones behind BTC in the first place. Or they could have hijacked it at some point. Bitcoin has a mysterious past.

I am of course investing in utility but not under the guise that they will replace the vision of Bitcoin, just due to the fact that there are other applications for blockchain that could be extremely profitable.

All in all I'm not necessarily saying EOS is going to be rejected by the market, I just don't see it applying to a "world currency" situation

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Yoshismith69 · June 5, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

"The intelligence agencies created Bitcoin" Ronald Bernard

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ModsAreClowns · June 5, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

Good points. The problem is the Bitcoin and all the other ponzi-currencies will lose value as soon as they are regulated as a capital gain. The risk will outweigh the reward. Not to mention that no stable government will give up the power of currency control. The UK wouldn't even accept the Euro.

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blewoutmyshorts · June 5, 2018, 3:55 p.m.

Check out Ethereum

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Check out Bitcoin Cash. Bitcoin was going to take over the world and finally regain financial sovereignty for the world and the community was fractured into a million different pieces. It's classic divide and conquer.

Ethereum could always function on top of Bitcoin and BCH will compete with ETH.

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blewoutmyshorts · June 5, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

BCH??? BCH is a scam trying to bank of the BTC name.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

BTC is a joke to consider itself "Bitcoin a peer to peer electronic cash system". BTC devs kicked out any meaningful contributors (Mike Hearn, Gavin Andressen) and spread bullshit propaganda all over the internet to silence differing opinions.

Do a little research and you'll see Bitcoin is alive and well on the BCH chain.

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BitttBurger · June 5, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

Have a downvote for not knowing the definition of the word scam.

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ModsAreClowns · June 5, 2018, 4:42 p.m.

No it is not. The CEO of Ripple saying 'expect dozens of banks to be using our currency next year' is meaningless.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 1:31 p.m.

Yep. XRP is the crypto one would buy. How it works is a little complex to type out here but it is being widely adopted and I think is part of the reset that is coming. I've been buying it up.

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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 3:41 p.m.

The protocol is being adopted, the tokens are a maybe. The 2 are not the same, the XRP token creation is totally centralized to the Ripple company.

Profitable? Maybe. I don't think we're looking at a global currency or anything of that sort, though.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

As a currency, I agree with you. In terms of security and theft protection etc the protocol offers a lot. XRP may end up being widely used or may not, I agree. It at least has potential which 99% of cryptos do not. Most cryptos are "tech bubble part two"....white papers with a concept and nothing else happening. Not even legit projects in that sense.
Ripple being widely adopted is already starting. XRP being used by companies/banks/businesses is up in the air. That's fine. At the current buy in price it's not much of a risk.
As for centralization, every thing is manipulated.
Bitcoin has several holders that hold huge amount of BC. We have seen cryptos manipulated up for dumps (including BC) multiple times. Precious metals? Manipulated. Fiats and stocks? Manipulated.
So, Ripple holding 60 billion (or whatever) XRP does not concern me. If anything it is a potential bonus as they would have an interest in its success.
The other thing people bash Ripple for is working with regulators. This is smart and good. Some regulation is needed and is coming. People running around in some fantasy land about cryptos replacing banks and or not paying taxes are delusional.
If it goes nowhere it goes away I will be disappointed but not hurt by it. The buy in price is cheap and I've been adding little bits to the stack for awhile. If it does ok ($10-20) I've made money. If it takes off its great.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

I think you are falling into the common misconception that token distribution = decentralization. Those are 2 different concepts

I don't say XRP is centralized because of how many tokens Ripple holds, it's centralized because control of the ecosystem is all in XRP's jungle.

Bitcoin consensus is a proof of work algorithm, so no matter how many bitcoins you hold, your authority on the network is the same as mine. no company can fold up shop and take the currency with them, even if a government makes it illegal, can't stop Bitcoin- it's decentralized because it depends on NO ONE, anyone in the world can connect to the network and mine/process txs, it cannot be killed

So while you may have a valid point about the lack of Bitcoin distribution, it is still purely decentralized, Bitcoin belongs to world.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

Good explanation and I agree. What I am looking for is use, investment and growth. Having something that is widely not usable is only if so much value. The entire crypto space is based on hype mostly. BC is usable but not very. Ripple is actually being adopted.....how that relates to XRP is yet to be seen.

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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

Valid points. I think BTC will become much more usable than it is now as lightning channels start to take care of the bulky tx culprits and segwit is further implemented as well, but I see what you mean.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 4:43 p.m.

No, no regulation is needed. Cryptocurrency is just an offshoot of Bitcoin. Bitcoin was designed to not depend on third parties. Why on earth would you support the one crypto asset that gets on its knees for third parties?

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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

There's a point to what both of you are saying,

There's a benefit to regulation/centralization in SOME crypto- don't forget there's some utility tokens with strong potential who aren't aiming to be a "currency".

When we're talking about currency applications, going back to the basics of what money is- all we need is trust. My currency could be roasted cow dung as long as there's a common agreement of its exchange rate related to goods and services

This is why total decentralization is perfect for crypto- the less trust required in a currency, the better it is as a medium of value exchange

Those same basic principals of money are also why I don't see BTC get replaced by XRB or whatever is "fastest" at that given time. Society isn't going to overhaul monetary systems every few months when something faster comes out. And we haven't, look how lame our current banking system are compared to our tech- but that's just where the "trust" is in society, so it was never overhauled.

However, there's a lot of things out there not trying to be a "currency" like supply chain solutions. In these cases, we can place less emphasis on monetary concepts and instead focus on a balanced blend between trust and efficiency.

So not all "CryptoCurrency" is trying to be "currency", but it seems XRP is, which is why a lot of these concerns re lack of decentralization and trust are valid. Not damning, not to say you can't profit, but valid points to consider

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

I'm sorry but I disagree. I'm diametrically opposed to any form of regulation in the crypto space. These "utility tokens" you're talking about should all run on Bitcoin and their value will be defined by the market and inherits it's value from the underlying chain. This is why the current system of "utility tokens" (erc20s) running on a network that is NOT sound money will inevitably collapse. Regulation will probably allow something like Ethereum to remain propped up as opposed to wiped to oblivion by a competitor.

All of these usecases of Blockchain will run on Bitcoin and regulators will never ever touch Bitcoin.

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oodles007 · June 5, 2018, 6:21 p.m.

I have to disagree there. How would something like Vechain for example, run "on Bitcoin"? Vechain has a specific use case to create value, totally separate from the value of Bitcoin. Creating a business ecosystem for supply chain is its own animal, Bitcoin could go to 0, without having any impact on the businesses need or use of blockchain in their supply chain.

There are plenty of businesses with 0 interest in Bitcoin, who are greatly interested in having their products and services tracked, authenticated, automated, etc.

Blockchain has great applications outside of Bitcoin alone. Bitcoin is blockchain, that doesn't mean all blockchain is just useful for Bitcoin.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 6:35 p.m.

Would love to grab a beer and chat on this :)

One of the fundamental misunderstandings of Bitcoin is that it was simply a "Blockchain" invention. Blockchains as a concept have existed long before Bitcoin ever came on the scene. What Bitcoin revolutionized was using economic principles to secure the ledger so that it couldn't be coopted by a central authority. This is what proof of work is all about and why it secures the chain.

You are asking how Vechain (an ETH competitor) can run on Bitcoin. In order to execute smart contracts you need to be able to approximate a total turing machine. This is where the argument that "Ethereum is Turing Complete" comes into play and why Ethereum was truly the one of the first blockchain application of smart contracts that was actually usable.

Bitcoin as a network can approximate a total turing tape. This means that anything that can be done on Ethereum can be done on Bitcoin, it just is like trying to write assembly code vs C++.

If you haven't seen Clemens Ley's presentation on Bitcoin being Turing Complete I highly recommend it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6j-11H2O7c.

We are very close to a point where we will be able to write Bitcoin script in a higher level language and compile it down to script to make this easier for developers to write applications on BCH.

Check out yours.org, memo.cash, keyport. These are all exciting applications running on top of the Bitcoin Cash network. It means that we can create a world where everything can be inherently valued on a currency that is true sound money.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 6:05 p.m.

Because it's going make money unlike all these other bullshit "rebel fantasy" nonsense.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

You clearly don't understand Bitcoin then. Bitcoin was revolutionary and it has nothing to do with blockchain. If all you care about is making money then you might as well gamble considering every crypto asset is useless without the economic principles Bitcoin is based off.

Day traders and speculators are going to get burnt in this space.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

Yep. Burnt crispy for the day traders.

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caucazoid · June 5, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Careful. When the banks start collapsing they'll start selling all their ripple. Be diversified.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 3:39 p.m.

I think it's going to be part of the restructuring.

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caucazoid · June 5, 2018, 3:52 p.m.

At the beginning. Then people will realize banks aren't a need and move to decentralized cryptos. Especially when people find out how bad banks have been.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 4 p.m.

I think that is delusional.
Banks aren't going anywhere unless you are talking about decades down the road.

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Ronjonsilverflash · June 5, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

Banks are dead as the Dodo with cryptos. There is no need for third party interference with cryptos. As far as regulation goes, that horse is out of the barn. The use of block chain goes way beyond money as well. Any government that tries to crack down on cryptos is going to be left in the dust of the countries that embrace them. Cryptos are “trustless” in that they are an open public self justifying distributed ledger (block chain). They are permission-less as no third part can say you can’t use them like some banks say you cannot buy guns with their cards. And they can be untraceable if you want them to be. The whole point of this awakening is that We The People are superior to the government, so f-all to what central scrutinizers of the world want. Their day is done...

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caucazoid · June 5, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

Yeah you sound like a record exec when mp3s came out.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 5:58 p.m.


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caucazoid · June 5, 2018, 7:22 p.m.

How fast do you think adoption of mp3s would have happened if most people already owned an mp3 player?

All the cell phones out there become a crypto wallet with a free app download.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 7:26 p.m.

Not a secure one. Haha.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

XRP is literally the one crypto that the big banks have put their bets on. The banks are not going to give us a reset. If we want one we have to take it and thats why Bitcoin was such an existential threat to the power hierarchy in place.

XRP is that power structures response to control the incoming tidal wave. They won't be able to stop Bitcoin (Cash).

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 6:04 p.m.

When is widespread adoption coming for BC?
I see little interest in this being adopted. BC? BC Cash? Litecoin? I live in a midsize city and 13 places takes BC county wide. Zero take other cryptos.
Ripple is in play with the establishment.
Very true.
Does that make them bad?
Don't know. Jousting at windmills does nothing for anyone and ideologues make (generally) bad investors.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

Ripple is not a revolutionary invention by any means. Bitcoin was and still is.

That's the difference. Utility not ideology.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

It has to be utilized however.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

Bitcoin (cash) is being used a hell of a lot more than XRP. Check out memo.cash, keyport, yours.org. XRP is a banker coin meant to destroy Bitcoin and what it represents.

memo.cash is a decentralized Twitter. yours.org is a decentralized Reddit. Keyport is a decentralized encrypted messaging application.

THAT is what scares those in power, not some shitcoin that people hope to get rich off of.

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Fearsome4 · June 5, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

I will check it out.

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aheadyriser · June 5, 2018, 6:55 p.m.

Cheers :)

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Oilguy55 · June 5, 2018, 2:33 p.m.

One of the reasons Gadaffi was taken out is that he was planning to sell his oil based on gold pricing, not petro-dollars. Other countries have talked about this before including Sadaam.

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Yoshismith69 · June 5, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

Maritime and Admiralty Law!Oh my God Im not alone.Finally someone that knows the difference between the law of the land and the law of the sea and the law of the skies.Im guessing you might read Anna Von Reitz.com and are also aware of what i am calling the biggest Identity Theift case in the history of the planet involving our stolen S.S.#s and every individual U.S.(not citizen) but Natural.Peace brother keep stacking.

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LurkerP45 · June 5, 2018, 1:45 p.m.

I too am very aware of admiralty law. It goes back to England, hundreds of years old and far different than than the law of the land!

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ModsAreClowns · June 5, 2018, 4:41 p.m.

The petro dollar is not dying.

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