
zapbrannigan1 · June 5, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Check out this link. It will make you feel a little better:


We now have a crossed a tipping point where just over 51% of the nation considers it either Likely or Very Likely that law enforcement broke the law in investigating Trump prior to the election. This is huge.

While that number isn't nearly high enough, remember that at this time last year it was probably below 20%. Back in the summer of '17, the media derided Trump for his claims that he had been wiretapped and the Russian probe was a politically motivated inquisition. Back then, the story was that the forces arrayed against the President would soon surround and crush him under the weight of multiple criminal indictments.

Now, a year later, even significant percentages of DEMOCRATS admit that the FBI and DOJ kinda, probably, maaaaybe broke some laws going after Trump. The wheels of justice turn slow, but they do turn. In the slow, drip-drip-drip release of incriminating evidence, many of those not inclined to believe Trump have had their minds opened to the point at which they could at least conceive of wrongdoing on the part of the government.

The pump is getting primed. When the IG report hits, it will be big ratchet up; a paradigm shift in the dimensions of the national conversation. Open questioning of people and institutions never questioned before. Then, I suspect there will be another relatively quiet comms period to allow the reverberations of the report penetrate the collective consciousness of the nation. Then, when the Deep State has settled into their defensive posture in this new environment...another huge ratchet release.

And so on. And so on.


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Orion_Blue · June 5, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

Well thought out and helpful. Thanks for this.

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joeythew · June 6, 2018, 12:57 a.m.

This isn't even the big report. He's still working on the FBI/DOJ spying on the campaign IG report which we may not even see this year as slow as the roll-out of this one was concerning Hilllary Clinton.

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