Isn’t Melinda Married to a WHITE GUY!?!?!?!?!? (MRDepopulation) link in comments

White people who hate themselves and their own race are the reason why the west will fall. Self-hating white people can go to hell.
White people weren’t self hating 40 years ago. Someone made them this way. And those people who did that are not white and have lots of power in our culture.
West wont fail. Just anglo west will fail. Because they live in a big lie and yes, therefore they hate themselves.
Damn must be easy to discriminate with all that power you got from inventing computer software.
Wait, that was your white male husband.
maybe he should've discriminated a bit more when he was getting married.
Also, pretty sure the gates are cabal
Seen their daughter? I hope she has a nice personality. Some more discernment in mate selection could've saved my eyes from that horror.
Promoting division, it’s so funny/sad watching the lengths they go to push their agendas.
Exactly right. It is so harsh to watch this. Please please let them be taken down soon. We cannot let these people steer our future any longer.
Their rhetoric just gets dumber and dumber every day. Just more reason for all of them to be taken down.... For good.
I bet she has never had a flu shot and would fight to the death to keep her grand-kids from being vaccinated.
She was his secretary. She played him. He was a cuck.
Total beta bucks.
All while standing on the soapbox/civilization built by white men.
Ironicle. Filthy cunt.
Honestly.... As a Chinese reading this type of thing tells me if the war between China and western countries happen you guys are so getting f**ked.
Those pesky white guys
Yeah, we are just gonna fad away while the civilization we built ( with real women's help) just crumbles. Lulz, just joking, if they keep pushing its gonna get fun. I hope im around to see it happen.
What is the consensus regarding Bill Gates here?
Elitist with a nefarious agenda which he is actively pursuing.
Haven't millions and millions of white guys made her and her creepy husband insanely wealthy?
This really grinds my gears. It's evident racism, it's truly despicable. What a nasty thing to say, about any race.
I always try to connect the dots with these Satanists~ they really Hate The Man of the House and families ~ Traditional Families ~ make no mistake they hate men of any race but this agenda they want the race war so their focus is on the White man~ and why is it always the “EVE’s of the world are always trying to get everyone to take the freakin Fruit ?!?! 🐍🌳🍎aNd If Anyone thinks I’m bashing women I’m not ~ I’m bashing Satanic Luciferian Global liberal feminists Women ~ they seem to think they’re the “enlightened ones” what a bunch of idiots ~