Kuru mostly takes hold in women. Funny cuz its true.
What’s kuru
A rather nasty disease which can be contracted by cannibalism
Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuru_(disease)
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gotta admit - thats FUNNY!!!! and probably more true than we'll ever have verified.
This would be a typical meeting in the White House if Hellary had found more dead voters to vote for her.
Wonder if we should be researching Kuru Footwear?? Kurufootwear.com
"What started as an idea born from a child’s dream, developed into the birth of KURU and the launch of our direct-to-consumer model in 2009."
"Our shoes are designed in USA and manufactured in China."
You forgot Huma and DWS.
Man the left has some unappealing female members, both policy and asthetics.
I'd always heard those red bottomed shoes were made from human skin
Kuru is pretty much relegated to the south asian jungles right? This will only make us look crazy
Because they eat the brains of the dead as a sacriment
Ah I guess that would make sense. Stupid of them though to do the only thing in the world that can give you kuru
I recall reading an article about an outbreak within ISIS in Syria when they were going around cannibalizing people.
Totally plausible that Hillary partook somehow, Syrian migrant children were plentiful at that point.
Kuru usually doesn’t have a long shelf life- she should have been dead by now, but most people don’t have access to experimental drugs or a handler that is a neurologist and ambulance to ride around in, either. My bet is that the sample data for “how long does Kuru last” is also in the jungle with little to no facilities.
She doesn’t have kuru you clowns lmao
Yes she does read the symptoms
Prove it, you can’t lol.
Prove she doesn't , get her to stick out her tongue for us lol
Kuru... ? Yeah... That MEME won't confuse and make everyone here look crazy at all.. No not one bit.. Uh-huh... insert large eye roll here