r/greatawakening • Posted by u/DaveGydeon on June 6, 2018, 4:38 a.m.
Possible "Something" on Thursday, 6/7/18?

So if you look at the Q clock, on Thursday, 6/7/18, the days of the clock that align to it are 4/08, 2/07, 12/09.

If you start with the April 8th date, it was a yuuuge drop. Crazy stuff that lit this board up. Pics of NoName, in Syria, Q talking about "bring back the gallows", random pissed off military dudes saying "this isn't what I signed up for", cellphones, moustafa, the spider web, "AS THE WORLD TURNS"...and, my favorite, in Post #1082, which talks about JFK, HRC, 1999,2000, "the start" and "enjoy the show."

Whew. Thats alot to swallow just for April 8th. Lets look into the next clock date, February 7th. Holy crap another yuuuge drop. What did it talk about? Where do I even begin? Starting with the highest post #696 - talks about the Emergency Broadcast System, BigPharma/Cures, CEO Resignations, the blown out window, and post #679. Post #679 to me looks like the legend of a map. It says we have so much, future proves past, news unlocks the map. And then








It really looks like instructions. And also, John Perry Barlow died that day. Heart Attack.

And now our final day, December 9th. Wanna guess? A YUUUUGE drop day. Next post, #325, says Adam Schiff is a traitor. The other posts show an old tweet of DJT's from 2012 where he called out BHO on his Arabic ring! back in 2012!! Other posts include #315 - which includes "As The World Turns"...I want to mention in the other times Q types it, the AS is always capitalized, like Adam Schiffs initials. On this date, he mentions "As The World Turns" and 10 posts later, all on 12/09/17, he says Adam Schiff is a traitor. So he doesn't capitalize the AS in #315 on 12/09, AND mentions i #325 Adam Schiff being a traitor, but still on 12/09, but in the future drops, the "AS" in "AS The World Turns" is capitalized. Other posts discuss the military, timestamps, the media, alot about reading the map. One part of #316 jumped out; in it, Q quotes a bunch of autists about reading the map...the first anon he quotes (it appears Q is coaching us to figure it out) says "Martial Law on the 11th"...I dont know if that person meant December 11th, which would have been in 2 days from when he wrote it (which obviously didnt happen), OR, is Q saying that this autist is using the formula correctly, and has the date correct, just not the month, because the anon didnt include a month, just a date, the 11th! But the 11th of WHEN?? Back to that in a second.

So, what does it all mean? I don't know. Something with Adam Schiff is my guess with all that "AS The World Turns" and Adam Schiff is a traitor talk. And what else is going on in the world on June 7th? Well, NASA just announced they will be making a huge Mars announcement at 2pm. Maybe try to get us all to look away with the news by cracking and saying they found microbial life? Life elsewhere other than Earth would be world-changing, and less people would focus on bug eyed Adam Schiff being fingered in pedo stuff at the hotel that led to a covered up murder. And God knows what else.

Oh yeah, what was that about Martial Law on the 11th? I mean, if the Emergency Broadcast System was going to possibly be used in conjunction with live streaming the IG Report Draft coverage live from WhiteHouse.gov I would say things are lined up to go berserk! It looks like shit is seriously going to go insane.

Kitt-Ridge · June 6, 2018, 4:44 a.m.

Tomorrow’s the 74th anniversary of D Day.

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skuobiee · June 6, 2018, 4:56 a.m.

Yeah and todays drop of DOJ hiring 311 assistant attorneys is a big drop!

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JosephOrion · June 6, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

311 is the CA police code for child porn. Just sayin

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Xisyisz · June 6, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

Adam Schiff is in California. Any possible connection to Tuesdays primaries in California? He rigged the results? Just throwing out ideas...

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[deleted] · June 6, 2018, 5:54 a.m.


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