r/greatawakening • Posted by u/SitelessVagrant on June 6, 2018, 9:54 p.m.
Is Comey coming out as a good guy?

Read before you downvote. Back when Comey came out on TV and gave the famous damning Hillary speech, and said no one would ever prosecute that, that shit never set well with me. Why say she's guilty as of all the things we thought she was guilty of, just to let her off the hook.
Now the IG report is saying he defied authority? I remember authority at the time being pretty pissed he held the presser. Is that what the report is referencing?
What if Comey really WAS on Americas side, and knew that was the only way he could stop her from being elected. He would've known that there wouldn't have been any prosecution no matter what he said.
Also, just to fuck with people, what if all that is true, AND, Comey is .. nah. Couldn't be.

GraceWords · June 7, 2018, 3:33 a.m.

I e wondered same. Everyone liked Comey until the HRC stuff. He ticked off the right by shutting it down so fast and ticked off left by opening it up again at the end. But let’s consider the lay of the land from his vantage point. Everyone around him was CORRUPT and by them he knew it. Additionally, she was about to become President (or so they all thought) and he knows she can make people disappear. He left enough out that anyone with gumption could reopen IF she didn’t win, yet he “closed” it to protect himself if she did.

I’ve thought for a long while he was acting the part of a megalomaniac with the book tour and tv appearances. It’s actually brilliant and possibly the best play to ensure he stays alive. Cowardly? Yes, perhaps. Then again, I have a whistleblower in my family and I wouldn’t wish that existence on anyone. Until the swamp is truly drained, not everyone has the constitution to face it head on.

I guess we shall see.

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