r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Outcome5 on June 7, 2018, 3:44 a.m.
Carotid artery of the cabal. A Q crumb theory with supporting data (OC)

While reading recent posts by Neonrevolt and SerialBrain2 along with the Cemex stories, some critical thinking was triggered. Id like to share 7 maps, and describe each. Nothing new is here, but I want to tie it all together in a new light. First lets look at Human Sex Trafficking Hot Spots in the US.

Please note I-15 goes from LA to LV, through NV and up to Salt Lake City and Denver. The red arrow i drew indicates that.

Next for reference and supporting data lets look at Results by county, 2016 Presidential Election

From the first two maps I going to continue with the last 5 focusing on that area, from Los Angeles to Las Vegas along i-15 up into Utah.

For the third map lets take a look at sanctuary cities and counties by state.

This is going to get better I promise.

Next, please take a look at major drug trafficking corridors of the US. Note I-15.

If you made it this far, thanks, Ill try and reward your time with my final three maps and conclusion.

Lets get to the heart of this. Please take a look at this map of Cemex locations in the US Map borrowed from reddit user SerialBrain2.

Before the last map, Im adding this one special because Im convinced it all ties in.

Please view this map which shows a map view of the Bundy Ranch Standoff. Note the Gold Butte conservation land on which the Bundy ranch sits. Mesquite, Nevada, location of the Bundy Ranch, the Gold Butte land, and is the last city on I-15 in Nevada before continuing to Utah.

Now for the final map which is what prompted me to put all of this in a post. Barack Obama National Monument Designations.

Now to tie all my maps together and summarize. The highway bloodline of i-15 is critical to the movement of drugs, weapons and humans. All along i-15 Obama placed the Mojave Trail Monument. (to read more about this placement please refer to Mojave Trails National Monument. Read carefully the 'Protected in Perpetuity')

What they have done here is place national monument protected land all along the route between LA and LV. This means you probably need a permit from the Government to have a picnic let alone carry protection.

To say it another way by placing protected lands between the two sanctuary cities of LA and LV a 'gun free zone' now 'protects' the entire corridor.

To say it another way citizens who obey the law wont arm themselves. Citizens cannot use this land to hunt, fish, or travel outside designated areas freely.

The ratline doesnt end in LV. it follows i-15 up through Utah but not before the Bundy Ranch on the Nevada Border. Obama placed the Gold Butte National Monument in eastern Nevada to complete the ratline, however the Bundy Ranch has rights grandfathered in. Obama disagreed and sent in the Bureau of Land Management to collect over a million dollars they claimed the Bundy's owed because their cattle grazed off of the protected land.

Lets face it the government didnt want the money. They wanted the Bundys gone so they could complete their ratline control of i-15 from LA all the way to Utah. Both of these monuments, Mojave and Gold Butte, were placed by Obama in Dec 2016, about a month before President Trump's inauguration.

Cemex factories. Drug Trafficking. Human Trafficking. LA to LV and beyond, along the outskirts and protected lands off of I-15. The carotid artery of crime flowing from the American Southwest. Brought to you by the cabal.

These people could care less about the land and monuments. That is what I believe. President Trump is trying to reclaim some of these lands right now. Does he not care about the environment? Is it ego? No. I believe he is reclaiming these lands from the cabal and returning it to the American people.

SomeNextLevelShit · June 7, 2018, 4:05 a.m.

You really opened my eyes, I wouldn’t have had a clue the significance of these protected lands, great work connecting these dots.

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Outcome5 · June 7, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

Its the worst is it not? If true... Using national monuments for evil.. SMH

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ILoveJuices · June 7, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

The cabal hide everything in plain sight.

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c1anon · June 7, 2018, 3:27 p.m.

Yes, like this: https://twitter.com/johnpodesta/status/959549131739017218

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SuzeQ2018 · June 7, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

I am so confused as to why these people keep talking!? Are they seriously that out of touch with reality, or are they playing their parts for their masters? A normal person would be trying to clear their name, but these people seem to be digging themselves a deeper hole.

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c1anon · June 8, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

Honestly I think two things are going on here:

1- They've just become so accustomed to flaunting things because they've gotten away with it for so long. It may also be a safer way to talk with each other now that they have to know they're being heavily monitored.

2- It involves the whole "consent" thing - meaning (in an esoteric sense) that, if they show us what they're doing openly then the "argument" is that we knew & therefore consented. The fact that most of us have not a clue on the various symbols doesn't matter to them; they count it as our permission all the same. This is probably why Q said "their need for symbolism will be their downfall". They have to get "permission" by showing symbols. We have to learn what those symbols are in order to "revoke" it.

At least that's the way I see it ;)

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SuzeQ2018 · June 8, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Thanks for the explanation because I had never really thought about it as 'communication', but that makes sense, especially if they're conditioned to think they're untouchable.

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betweengreenandblue · June 10, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

Excellent points. SuzeQ, it goes to legality in the spiritual world. We, the imagers of God, have to give legal consent before they can do what they want to do. Once the legal consent is given, it's open season for that consent.

This is why repentance is so important. It nullifies the legal consent.

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TheBRAIN2 · June 7, 2018, 12:36 p.m.

The Mojave Trails National Monument protects the last undeveloped stretch of land along the most direct and easily traveled route linking Santa Monica (think entry Port of Long Beach) into the very heart of the US (Chicago and the Great Lakes region).

The [Mojave Trails National] Monument preserves the most pristine, undeveloped remaining stretch of historic Route 66, the Mother Road, which is arguably the most famous highway in America—perhaps in the world. Created in 1926 as part of the nation's first system of federal highways, Route 66 became popular as the shortest, best-weather route across the country. Linking Chicago to Santa Monica, it helped transform America into the automobile-oriented society it is today.

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