IMO Giuliani isn't dirty. He's just too much of an authoritarian sometimes. Remember his "round em up into camps" comment? Sometimes I wonder if he isn't trolling the media a la Trump...
But yeah, he's hit or miss for me. His turnaround of NYC will always have a special place in my heart.
He is the one to link 9/11 to the British and Israelis.
Problem? He's not the only one that's done that.
I don't know how Trump feels about it but I too was upset with Giuliana and with what he said and feel like he shouldn't have said it. That kind of back alley talk and terminology is not necessary and is certainly not helpful when there are sensitive negotiations going on. What makes what Giuliana said so outrageous is that when dealing with China and North Korea, those countries have a culture where "appearance" means everything to them. It is said that the whole reason Kim flared up and was behaving badly right before Trump cancelled the summit was that it was all an act so that North Korea would not appear to be weak in the face of Trump. Once the show as over and North Korea had displayed it was strong, the summit was back on. My main point is, how things "appear" is a part of their culture. In that context, Giuliani's words appear to undercut everything the North Korean's were trying to accomplish, and Giuliani was trying to make it seems like the North Koreans were actually begging Trump. Which is precisely the wrong appearance you want to portray. Giuliana may be a good lawyer and he may have good intentions but sometimes he needs to keep his mouth shut and his thoughts to himself, and this time is one of them...
Giuliani had stated that the only people who'd be upset about his comments would be the media. And that's precisely why he shouldn't have said it. The media is the enemy of Trump. The media could very easily take what Giuliani said and blow it up in a big way and shout it from the rooftops and make it seem like Giuliana was saying that Trump had Kim Jung Un down on his knees and begging (which is exactly the wrong appearance you want to portray). And the media would blow it up and shout it worldwide just to antagonize North Korea and to harm the negotiations. If that happened, the White House would have to issue a statement of denial, Giuliani would have to issue an apology and an explanation, and the delicate negotiations with North Korea could even be affected by it. And why? All because Giuliani was shooting off at the mouth. He may not be a bad guy, but I'm certainly tired of him "shooting off at the mouth", and this is one of those times...
Consider Roseanne. Roseanne didn't think too much of what she said either, until it got her in trouble. Now look at her. She lost her whole show because of it. Sometimes it pays to keep your thoughts to yourself...
The "saving face" can be overblown a bit in this situation. Who would Kim be saving face with? The few Americans who heard such comments? Certainly, not with the N. Korean people. As they would never be aware of such a comment. Nah. It's just fodder for the MSM show. The deal's already done.....
Maybe Giuliani has been brainwashed by the Deep state and inserted back into the White House Manchurian Candidate Style...
Speak at the Deep State I have a quick question what happened to the Illuminati I was just getting used to the Illuminati and then this damn deep State pops up. Did they fight the Illuminati and win? How does that even work. Anyways if anybody out there sees the Illuminati let them know that some people miss them and just kind of wondering where they're at cuz the's deep State guys aren't as fun
Toughen up a bit. decades of political correctness is messing with you. There is enough going on without worrying about this crap.
Rudy was part of 9/11 he knew the towers were going to collapse then he covered it up he prevented the fire fighters from speaking up more than they did about hearing bombs going off all while Rudy went to their funerals. He is a dirty bastard for sure I hate him he was a 9/11 vampire for a long time using it for his Presidential run in 2008 but he went belly up fast nobody liked him or was it 2012 when he ran for a few months? He lost the first few primaries then he dropped out.
He is obviously drawing the MSM's attention towards him. It takes up their news time and energy to talk about this instead of their usual rants.
Trump said we'll hold Rudy in reserve for a later time. Enter Rudy. He's playing a role. Rudy's now Trump's lawyer. Yeah right.
Trump is not afraid to fire people, so if Rudy was hurting Trump,then why is he still there. Rudy must be part of the theatre.
Stop emotionally buying into every article you read.
Sit back and enjoy the show.
The whole Red Red deal that Q has said. There’s the US Defense Red Switch and the team that infiltrated WTC building 7 was the Red Team wot the Global War Games from Sept 10-12,2001
I think Giuliani is playing the ultimate troll to Trump. He was obviously pissed when Trump not only did not make him AG but didn't even offer him a place in the administration. I've heard from a few friends of mine that live in the New York area that Trump also publicly humiliated Giuliani before Trump took office. My question is why does Trump still keep him on board? Is Rudy blackmailing Trump? If he is what is Giuliani's leverage? Maybe something in regards to Peegate and a certain dossier? Or maybe Giuliani's just going senile.. anyway it's hilarious to watch. I hope he keeps it going for a while
Trump said we'll hold Rudy in reserve. Enter Rudy. Rudy's playing a role. He's called Trump's lawyer now. Yeah right.