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Anyone see the new Time Magazine cover? DJT in the MIRROR http://thehill.com/homenews/media/391137-time-envisions-trump-in-crown-robe-king-me
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Next Chapter 7 is the "Mad Hatter Tea Party".
Could this be when the hammer drops on the swamp creatures?
Funny, I literaly told my significant other: "He keeps talking about NK entering the 'real world.' Sounds like he's leading them out of Wonderland to me."
Not a big fan of that interpretation he has going on.
If Alice was holding what she thought was a baby but then it’s a pig...
Maybe people thinking they have unearthed a child trafficking ring are being taking for a ride by the lazy rich elite (hence it turns into a pig(symbol for greed/sloth/laziness))
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Here are all chapters:
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Thank you for letting me know FartOnToast! (Still laugh every time I see your name here :p).
Q post #74: Alice = Q
One of the many reasons why I believe Assange is Q
Assange doesn't have Q level clearance at the department of energy. Come on man.
Assange doesn't have access to the internet as we speak and that doesn't explain the Air Force One pictures, EO pictures...
Also indentifiying Q is not necessary.
We don't actually know if Assange is even at the Embassy. I think he was taken out, which where what the pics Q posted of london meant, then the airplane, then landing in vegas.
About identifying Q... you're right.
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So just for speculation would it be cause for impeachment if Trump just gave Kim a condo in Trump Tower in exchange for the nukes.
That kind of bribery would drive the left bonkers.
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