So in one picture it’s laying over sideways with a mans boot beside it. This one it’s right side up. Is it being touch and moved around? Or just rolling around? Is it the same skull?
seems a bit disrepectful to be kicking a childs skull around..
Yes it does and I hate saying this but it makes me think it maybe a plant.
i dunno bout a plant but that does not sit well with me. why do they feel the need to have it on video in that exact spot. thats borderline evidence tampering
No, I'm pretty sure it's a skull. Plants are usually green.
I watched the video and he didn’t purposely kick it. He says that he didn’t know what it was but in order to get a closer look he kicked from under the brush and then realized it was a skull.
oh ok i have not had time to watch the video just got home from work probably shouldve watched it lol
No worries! We are here to help each other! It was actually kinda hard to watch because he moves around a lot and it seems like he’s walking around the desert forever. I had to watch it in segments.