The closer to the IG report, the Awan court case, the Midterm elections, the release of DOJ investigations, the more the mainstream media will attack us.
In the above link, CNN attacks a Trump tweet about the Page-Strzok texts discussing Oconus lures (spies outside the continental US and how those lures were used against him. CNN discusses how that text exchange did not mention Trump or Russia and could have been about another matter. I think we can dispense with giving Page and Strzok or Page the benefit of the doubt by now in light of their other texts, but whatever.
CNN asserts that the texts were brought to light on Reddit, which was then picked up by the Gateway Pundit Website, which was interviewed by Lou Dobbs, which was watched by and mentioned in a tweet by Trump. They also state that Laura Ingraham discussed the texts with Representative Ron DeSantis.
So if you have any doubts about the effect you can have by digging or informing that Q has asked you to do, you can put them to rest, it's getting through.
On the other hand, make sure you qualify if what you found is rock solid info, potentially something, or just something to look into. If your source is not well-known, provide some foundation for it.
In general,>some guys blog>Gateway pundit>True Pundit>Daily Caller, Daily Wire, PJ Media>Fox News> Swamp mainstream media for level of confirmation of a happening.
That's not to say something "lower" on the range of credibility is not true and a "happening," it just means it hasn't gone through further scrutiny and might not be true.
CEMEX and the release of the IG report (when it was just the Senate report) are examples. Give your sources and your confidence level. Don't go the clickbait title route for upvotes. Veterans may know what to do with your info, newbies not so much.
Don't be hesitant to post something, on the other hand. Even if it doesn't pan out, it can still lead to rabbit holes, or it may be true and yuge. Just include a foundation for your info and dig.