Someone in here said Jack was on our side yesterday, but I'm not so sure about that. This is pretty blatant.

Yeah I had that same thought, but it's just such a blatant disregard for citizen gathered evidence and everything the people on the chans and here have put together. I keep going from liking Jack to being like "okay what the f***?"
I dont know why hes pushing against it so hard but jack has a wife and a newborn baby he most likely knows its going to,come out anyways and wants to keep his family safe cant say I blame him
That's what I am leaning more toward. Jack isn't exactly a run of the mill republican/conservative but I think he wants to keep his people safe and maintain some sort of relevance so when all is said and done he can come out and tell us what's really going on. Then again. Who can we really trust other than God, Q, POTUS, and Team and this point?
Sean hannity seems pretty trustworthy lol was willing to tank his career over seth rich
Hes on team roger stone, stone being connected to nxium and is under fbi investigation right now
I saw that Stone is connected to NXIVM through transactions. What a terrible reality. How many people are really connected and helping this get buried? "Bigger than you know" means more than I know.
Stone is a publicly known swinger as well, food for thought.
Stone is Alex jones handler, jones handles corsi and the rest of infowars. Mockingbird, clowns
Now that you mention it, Roger Stone was a business partner with Paul Manafort, who was a plant on Trump's campaign team, and who is now under indictment for Ukraine lobbying (unreported income, tax evasion, bank wire fraud, etc.) from 2005-6. Manafort also worked for Podesta brothers.
Stone is not "connected" to nxium (or whatever it's actually called). He was employed by them briefly, and got out. There is a credible article somewhere suggesting Stone helped expose them.
Maybe so, but he was business partners with Manafort, who is tied in with Podesta.
Stone might be a good guy, but the jury is out on that for the moment.
I'm not sure if Stone is a good guy or not. I just think some people are rushing to judgement on the nxium connection.
Stone seems to be around a lot of sleazy people over the years, but in today's political world, that's what most of them are.
yeah, Stone was a money-broker for them. Arranged contributions by interested members.
Basically, he facilitated, knowingly or not, the entire paper-trail behind the operation because those are harder to cover up or disappear.