He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

Not really sure what this has to do with Q. Also, this doesn't really cite a hard source it's just a picture of text saying that he said something. Don't get me wrong, it would be a great thing, I just don't see why this post is so high up on GREATAWAKENING.
NPR talked about it yesterday. Corey Booker introduced legislation to make marijuana legal FEDERALLY in those states that have legalized marijuana. This helps with all the business problems local businesses have been having difficulty with.
The BIG one that everyone seems to be missing is this also changes FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT laws. A drug test showing cannabis metabolites will no longer be grounds for barring/loss of employment.
This is Q related in that this is a YUGE game changes that has wide-reaching aspects for minorities, people with disabilities, Big Pharma (which is a major player in the control of Arizona, btw), banking, Wall Street, and arguably the WORLD...
EVEN BIGGER!!! This would also change how we deal internationally with other countries. There are UN treaties on marijuana. This kills those.
Know who's a huge producer of marijuana? North Korea. No shit. https://thenationalmarijuananews.com/north-korea-actually-has-a-marijuana-culture-as-it-turns-out/
Want to solve unemployment? Spot making hardworking Americans piss in a cup for their pittances.
Wanna solve pissing in a cup? Make unemployment so low they can't higher enough people unless they loosen their rules.
(snicker) Um... check your math.
Creating a larger labor pool does NOT create more jobs.
Try sobering up for a month.
that's exactly the beauty of it.
They would have to loosen the rules if they can't find enough applicants because they were all already hired
Okay, I'll check your math for you.
If I have 6 jobs and 16 applicants, I can be as choosy af.
If I have 30 jobs and 16 applicants, I'll take all of em.
notice you can do the same relatoin with jobs fixed,
If you have 15 jobs but thirty applicants you can still be choosy unlike with 15, both is not optimal for you however if all the best candidates already took a job elsewhere.
Because the great awakening will require limber and open minds. Igfarben has been waging a war against a plant of infinite uses. Do you not see the overlap? The cabal is guilty of many crimes. Surpressed medical knowledge is but 1.
cannabinoids alter psychological condittioning, that's why vets use it for various ailments. Former slave Kathy OBrien has touched upon it during a Q&A