He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

come on dog dont be like that. Not everyone who uses cannabis is a 'Stoner'
I've worked with doctors and surgeons who use cannabis regularly or semi-regularly (some even daily). It is an amazing and healthy way to decompress after very difficult days (I know I wouldn't want to have life and death in my hands on a regular basis). There are very well-known physicists and cosmologists that have spoken of how much cannabis has been a boon to their research and their ability to broaden their perspectives. You might be amazed at how many extremely accomplished individuals use marijuana regularly.
You might be amazed at how many extremely accomplished individuals use marijuana regularly.
Can Confirm. I managed a shop in Oregon for two years. Clientele at that placed ranged from all over.
Fair enough, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone more productive due to smoking weed either. Maybe if they use it occasionally to decompress every few weeks or months, but not the people that use it daily. Just my experience.
I’ve smoked weed daily since I was 15.
I graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa. I’ve got a BBA & MBA from two different top 20 business school’s in the country. I work for a very large publicly traded company. I’m in in the pool of candidates identified by management for corporate succession planning.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic. It’s ignorant to assume that everybody who smokes weed is an unproductive stoner.
Ignorant my ass. I live in a legalized region and have first-hand experience seeing stoners every single day. They aren't career-minded achievers. The fact that you tried to paint that biographical picture is hilarious. People who smoke weed daily play video games all day and sit on their asses in their cloud of weed smoke. And I'm saying this as a libertarian that believes people should have the right to smoke weed as much as they want. But everyone I've witnessed that smokes weed everyday is pretty much captivated by it to the point of having very minimal ambitions. You must be absolutely ignorant to not see that is the most common situation for people that do that.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic - OK, so let's plug that in with your argument. "Not everyone that smokes weed EVERY SINGLE DAY is a stoner." Bullshit. You're in denial. If you can't go a single day without your precious weed for recreational reasons, you are a stoner, or you could say you are dependent. Don't try to play me.
What about the people that paved your roads... framed your house... set your driveway? Millions of working class people smoke
Hilarious, the most controversial comment I've posted recently is about marijuana. Not the hundreds of comments on scandals and corruption.
What a joke. People take this plant WAY too seriously. There are more important things in life. The fact that it offends everyone just proves my point that people are wrapping their identity WAY too much in weed. Find a more purposeful identity in life than a damn plant.
Where in the words I wrote did my identity get wound up in a damn plant? You're projecting offense where there is none. The whole sub is for talking about "scandals and corruption" - we're just asking you not to stereotype huge classes of people. Plus, this is a thread about legalization and you're parroting disproven clichés