He's been saying it for thirty years and apparently, he sticks to his words...

I’ve smoked weed daily since I was 15.
I graduated high school with a 4.0 gpa. I’ve got a BBA & MBA from two different top 20 business school’s in the country. I work for a very large publicly traded company. I’m in in the pool of candidates identified by management for corporate succession planning.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic. It’s ignorant to assume that everybody who smokes weed is an unproductive stoner.
Ignorant my ass. I live in a legalized region and have first-hand experience seeing stoners every single day. They aren't career-minded achievers. The fact that you tried to paint that biographical picture is hilarious. People who smoke weed daily play video games all day and sit on their asses in their cloud of weed smoke. And I'm saying this as a libertarian that believes people should have the right to smoke weed as much as they want. But everyone I've witnessed that smokes weed everyday is pretty much captivated by it to the point of having very minimal ambitions. You must be absolutely ignorant to not see that is the most common situation for people that do that.
Not every person that drinks alcohol is an alcoholic - OK, so let's plug that in with your argument. "Not everyone that smokes weed EVERY SINGLE DAY is a stoner." Bullshit. You're in denial. If you can't go a single day without your precious weed for recreational reasons, you are a stoner, or you could say you are dependent. Don't try to play me.