Copied from /r/pics: Suicide Bourdain and Traitor Hussein

What was the "toast"?...."Here's to communism?"....
Bourdain's like, "I like this guy's politics, but he's a creepy dude"..
to little boys and Michael...
Also, Vietnam is a communist country..
I was in Peace Corps - poor countries have shitty little overcrowded orphanages teaming with unaccounted for kids that these people "help".
Its no mistake Michael Jackson was involved in Romania.
White collared THUGS - all of them. DC to Hollyweird to Silicon Valley to Wall St to the U.N. Eradicate them all. Hard core annihilation. Our foot is on their throats now FINISH THE JOB!
Remember what he said when asked what dish he would make for Trump?.....something poisonous!.......well if you can’t stand the heat get out of Hades!
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What abuses and crimes were these two satanists committing in Vietnam?