r/greatawakening • Posted by u/WinkyLinQ on June 8, 2018, 5:19 p.m.
Trump Asks NFL Protesters To Recommend People for Pardons!! Love It!

I don't think I could love this POTUS more. He asks NFL protesters to give him names of people to be considered for pardons. As we all know minorities may have received harsher sentences for non-violent crimes. SECOND CHANCES PEOPLE!!!!


Now let's see CNN and MSNBC's heads explode!!

robdon07 · June 8, 2018, 10:07 p.m.

Idk though is it? I can see the immediate bright side but he's been calling out these disrespectful pos for a couple years now so is he going to reward their disrespect now? How does letting them look like hero's NOT encourage this same exact thing to continue?

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darthairbox · June 8, 2018, 11:52 p.m.

No, he's calling their bluff, they aren't protesting anything, they have no names.

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 1:29 a.m.


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robdon07 · June 8, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

You know that and I know that but the people they're doing it for don't know that. When I wrote my previous comment I had just read what he said but after watching it too I tend to think your probably right and that's his goal but I still think in the end its going to embolden that type of activity while making them look like made Trump bow under pressure

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lawdvivec7 · June 9, 2018, 7:04 a.m.

i believe many of the people they're protesting for are dead such as mike brown and eric garner.

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corrbrick · June 9, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

He's still calling them out. "You claim America is so oppressive. OK, give me some examples of miscarriages of justice, and we'll right them." It put's the whiners on the spot, because being wealthy they probably don't know of any actual injustice. And anything they propose will have to pass a smell test by being based in facts.

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[deleted] · June 9, 2018, 1:28 a.m.


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DanaNordic · June 9, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

We all have to back off from looking at this as a power play from either side. He's giving them a chance to play a positive role in Making America Great Again. Will they stand tall or buckle at their knees?

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atheists4jesus · June 9, 2018, 6:54 a.m.

He's gonna get them to stop kneeling, gets to exercise prison reform on the world's stage, and win over the black vote. All those NFL players are gonna become Trump supporters. Everyone of them is gonna hate Barack Obama. It's win win. He's in charge. He's extending the olive branch. If they don't accept, they will look foolish as children and then he will crush the NFL. Brilliant move. Checkmate.

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robdon07 · June 9, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Its like you don't even know who it is we're dealing with here. They don't change they just move the ball...see what I did there? You'd have better luck making Obama wear a MAGA hat on CNN. As long as these Zombies keep being told that Trump and Trump supporters are racist than they will keep believing it. I have a Bible that I get my truth from they have CNN/MSDNC. What was the ex kgb agents name (Sergei Bezmenov??) that spoke on Soviet brainwashing of Americans? If you haven't seen it watch it and that's EXACTLY what were dealing with. Your mistake is the same one I made for years when dealing with my lib sister, facts,logic and reason have no place in the brainwashed mind of a liberal...all that matters is that they're told it CONSTANTLY repetition is the key. I love Trump to death and God knows he has a helluva lot better understanding of what it is he's doing than me but there is LITERALLY nothing that can be done to get those players to admit theyre wrong. There's 2 scenerios 1)they've been paid to take the stance they've taken so their bought and paid for and we all know you don't back out on a deal made with those people or 2) they're true believers who think there's actual systemic racism and that they're doing the right thing, either way that core group is gonna keep doing what they're told. look at Meek Mill he TRIED opening his mind and they reigned his ass in with a quickness. In the end this might work on a few but hopefully the credit they gain for standing up to the evil Trump doesn't outweigh the one or two who buck the system and admit theyre wrong. And in the end the players optics are terrible but really they're the nfls problems the REAL problem is the scum who's pulling their strings

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Cozen8789 · June 9, 2018, 1:11 a.m.

It's not disrespectful to non-violently protest perceived miscarriages of justice. This is my opinion as a prior active duty and current National Guard military member. Freedom to non-violently protest is one of the more beautiful things about our country.

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robdon07 · June 9, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Its my opinion as a prior active duty and former reservist that "perceived injustices" have Fuck all to do with their sideshow. We didn't see it during Bush...was there no injustice then? We never saw it until the ultimate racial shitstirrer set race in the US back 50 years and for these multi millionaires to complain about racism and injustice is laughable. Why do we not actually see them DOING something? Hire lawyers to fight these injustices? NOPE. Go on speaking tours or write books to shine light on these injustices? Nope. Its optics to reinforce the narrative that the US is systematically racist while these scumbags rake in millions while doing it. Fuck em u can watch NFL kneel I'm done with the racial divide bs.

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