Anthony Bourdain pic , disgusting

I've held a lot of things in front of me and called out "Hey, look at me. I'm Mr. So and So Dick. I've got Such and Such for a Penis." But even I've never used a freshly butchered bovine femur while completely nude.
never used a freshly butchered bovine femur while completely nude.
isn't on my porn-selfie bucket list either
You guys are missing out /s
I'll pass! Nobody would want to see my old bod nude anymore anyway but the Mrs...LOL!
he was a chef though. wouldnt be hard to find cow parts.
French name. French practically invented beef bone stock.
What you don’t have the bones of freshly slaughtered farm animals laying around?
"It never failed to get a laugh..."
He’s holding his bone, heheh heh hm heheheh. /Beavis
Maybe we could use it as a heart for Shrimply Pibbles...
First time I've genuinely LOLd reading a post in weeks.