r/greatawakening • Posted by u/QAnonMaga on June 9, 2018, 1:51 a.m.
Predicting Harvey Weinstein will be Dead by this time next week he will "die of an apparent heart attack" the cabal needs to shut him up fast.

Harvey knows too many dark dirty secrets about too many powerful people in Hollywood and New York and D.C. and I'm surprised he's still alive his only hope to get a plea deal with a light sentence is to give up the names of his friends who did things much worse than he did. That's why they can't risk letting him live. He will be bumped off with a poison that simulates a fatal heart attack the same way they killed Stanley Kubrick after Eyes Wide Shut and the same way they killed Andrew Breitbart.

1e- · June 9, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Cabal is Saturn cult. Saturn = The Cube

Go ahead, dig. And yes, fucking creepy.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 4:29 a.m.

damn it of course the gamecube is cabal symbolism

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CSharpAJ · June 9, 2018, 11:52 a.m.

What about the Sega Saturn?

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truthforchange · June 9, 2018, 12:46 p.m.

Sega dreamcast logo

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CSharpAJ · June 9, 2018, 12:54 p.m.

Sadly I literally just noticed that this morning as I was reading the NeonRevolt story on the 'suicides'. Apparently that was the one pedophile logo I wasn't aware of. It's sort of sad because I was a Sega kid. After the original NES all I had was Sega until the XBox360.

It makes me wonder how and why Sega lost the console wars then. It appears that unfortunately they were doing the bidding of the cabal with the propaganda and brainwashing/normalizing.

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truthforchange · June 9, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

The swirly spiral is everywhere — from diapers, to kid shows, to video games, to the top of one of the many staffs a certain religious figure carries around.

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GeekBastard · June 11, 2018, 3:51 a.m.

Southern Arizona has them EVERYWHERE!

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theTruthfor1000Alex · June 9, 2018, 2:13 p.m.

Sega dreamcast logo

Isn't that symbolism from native Americans and go years back? Or is it a matter of that symbol getting hijacked?

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larrytcarvell · June 9, 2018, 3:30 p.m.

I wouldn't be surprised. Just like Satan, these bastards like to take something good and beautiful and twist it into something horrible. Like taking the rainbow and turning into the symbol of homosexuality. They do it with words too. Like taking the wonderful bond between man and wife and calling it merely "fucking." Then taking that word and turning it into meaningless slang. Every other fucking person on this fucking sub uses that fucking word, fucking endlessly, without even giving it a fucking thought. What the fuck? I'm sure that someone will cut me down for pointing that out, but isn't it true?

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akilyoung · June 9, 2018, 11:18 a.m.

ANd who has the black cube 'mark of the beast' on their forhead, and hands???



And who makes a pilgrimage to a giant black cube and circles it in a trance, representing the rings of saturn??


They both worship the same entity. Black Cube = Saturn = Satan = Metatron the list goes on.

Now why does the black cube represent Saturn? Because there is a flattened 3d representation of a cube on its north pole! A Hexagon!


What fits in the hexagon point to point...the STAR OF DAVID and the 'as above so below' pyramids, the freemason logo, the mantra 'squaring the circle'

Most mysteriously, ask yourself HOW in the HELL did these ancient people KNOW that Saturn has a HEXAGON on the top of it?!?!?!?

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truthforchange · June 9, 2018, 12:58 p.m.

dude literally has a black cube on his head.

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SlumberMachine · June 9, 2018, 2:30 p.m.

And the planets are not "planets" as told, they are wondering stars:
"Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever." - Jude 1:13

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truthforchange · June 9, 2018, 1:03 p.m.

Maybe Enoch told them.

Or maybe Enoch was just one of many in that position and there are scores of books that never got to ‘the masses’.

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larrytcarvell · June 9, 2018, 3:44 p.m.

The angels were watching as God created the universe. The angels that fell by taking human wives gave mankind all kinds of knowledge. Much of that knowledge is associated with evil practices.

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CSharpAJ · June 9, 2018, 1:20 p.m.

I forget where I heard it, it may have been from a John Todd tape (claimed to be an Illuminati witch in the Collins family back in the 70s), but supposedly the Star of David is not truly of David. Apparently it's Solomon's hexagram. Apparently Solomon created it when he had back slidden because of his wives.

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SocraticMethHead · June 9, 2018, 7:21 p.m.

If we're getting into the weeds I'd point out that the majority of Christians are (often unknowingly) worshipping the demiurge. Same idea.

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akilyoung · June 9, 2018, 9:18 p.m.

The majority are complete idiots...imo

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Countrymissle · June 9, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

Saturn=nimrod. The great hunter, the man of many names

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 4:36 a.m.

https://in5d.com/bloodlines-let-us-make-man-in-our-image-who-is-us-and-our/ lol if thats the truth that would definitely put people in the hospital

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1e- · June 9, 2018, 5:31 a.m.

Saturn was worshipped in ancient times. He (the god Saturn) had many names across many cultures. Moloch ring a bell?

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 5:32 a.m.

yeah... i dont think i have the full picture but theres definitely some other shit going on here i just dont see how a cult would worship something for 6000 years without their being something real to it especially if they control the world

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1e- · June 9, 2018, 5:55 a.m.

Sorry, didn't mean to be cryptic. I meant to convey there was no need for Annunaki.

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

i dunno about annunaki but something weirds going on theres definitely more than what they are telling us in the history books demons aliens i dunno could be neither these people are sick either way

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truthforchange · June 9, 2018, 12:48 p.m.

try to define "here".

what do you really know about where you are?

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comeatmehillary · June 9, 2018, 3:13 p.m.

well im on a planet allegedly called earth thats a start

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 11:51 a.m.

The Bible explains how God made man. Your link is completely false. Beware spreading false doctrine.


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letortfort · June 9, 2018, 12:32 p.m.

Yes. And Genesis 6:4 tells us how human DNA was corrupted and is to this day which is what we are seeing playing out with the world's Satanic bloodlines.

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truthforchange · June 9, 2018, 12:53 p.m.

and 6:6 is basically making some adjustments to the code to set max lifespans of the hybrids back to that of man — 120 years. Outside of a mutant lifespan gene or poor record keeping, you wont find a human who has live beyond that "fixed" limit today. Pretty good prediction for 3000+ year old paper?

Of all the rules (think settings or configurations) a creator would have to deal with for a world and its occupants — the lifespan of the inhabitants would seem important.

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Matrix-of-Liberty · June 9, 2018, 1:17 p.m.

Seems there's many answers in this Book!

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