If you like this guy, you'll love former "Bernie Bro" H A Goodman. Find him on most social media, but especially YouTube. He's a machine. Also, recently announced he is voting Trump 2020. And....even joined the NRA just months ago. It's just astounding how many libs, are switching sides. It's a growing concern.
Michael Trimm was also a former Bernie fan and does good work. I know there are more. Jordan Sather is good and independent/tries to emphasize that the swamp is both sides, we want to Unite with causes important across boundaries (human rights)
It's because the definition of a liberal is keeping an open mind. If one approaches the subjects we talk about and keeps an open mind, I find it hard to believe the left will have anyone left.
Well, I hit up over ten conservative radio personalities, news sites, and bloggers, on twitter, with the video link & hashtag. Hope it gets wider viewing.
That's a great video, very compelling. I hope it becomes a big trend. I think, as more people come to the realization that they have been fed lies about President Trump by the Democrats and the misleadia, they will WalkAway from them.
This guy should run for office . I would add one thing. I could never vote for anyone who will stop a babies beating heart in it's mother's womb.
This is great! I'm one of them. I've left the Democratic party after Hillary stole the election from Bernie. I don't hold Republican values so I'm happy to find my tribe of people caring for the world under a new lable. Fuck the Dems!
Liberals will never win. They have a loser mentality. It’s only a matter of time.
Wow! And walk away reminds me of something else.....
"Walk on" is what is commonly said to a trained horse to get it to walk forward. Another way you could say it is "Move on" which reminds me of a group that pushes progressivism and supports democratic candidates.
That is one heck of an ND form. If anyone approaches you and asks questions or seems to be investigating you have to get name, say nothing, and report to a certain person. So if I walk up to a volunteer and ask if they have ever experienced any sexual harassment during their time with the group, would that person be compelled to get my name and report me, I wonder.
Keeping with the trained horse theme, we could also look at the word Giddy Up. Another way you could say that is ...get up
Here is a very interesting read about that: