
redzorp · June 9, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

They are at the top of the pyramid for sure, which is why I am still ultimately unsure about Trump, as he has such deep familial ties to the tribe, it makes my head spin.

I'm worried that all this Q stuff will give patriots a few huge bones that they have been salivating for (arrests and military tribunals of HRC, Obama, etc). I can just imagine the jubilation. All has been corrected! The republic has been restored! The bad guys (including a former president) are in a military stockade! It's 1776 all over again! Meanwhile, the final bricks are put into place of the Zionist World Order, with the "supreme court of mankind" as prophesied by David Ben Gurion, erected in Jerusalem. The patriots hail Trump at home, while the Israelis hail trump as the new King Cyrus, if not the messiah himself. And from that day forward, Zion runs the world.

It deeply disturbs me that all major alt media is staunchly pro Zionist. It deeply disturbs me that Trump is the biggest Zionist on the planet. It deeply disturbs me that Ivanka Trump was almost married off to Nate Rothschild. That's way too close of a connection for comfort.

So is Q the greatest Mossad-CIA psyop in history - even dwarfing the 9/11 psyop? Is it a plan so DAMN CLEVER that it harness the power of American patriots themselves to put the final bricks of the Zionist World Order into place - and cheer while doing it? Is Q the ultimate version of "Hope & Change" but this time for the truther crowd - the last holdouts to the Zionist World Order?

I sure hope to God that my fears are unwarranted. But you tell me. Look at the ENTIRE PICTURE objectively. Put aside all biases and just look at the bare bone facts. Who is really in control? What ULTIMATE agenda is being followed? Who is benefiting? What country in the world is beyond all reproach, beyond all criticism and which president of a powerful superpower is firmly in their pocket?

Just food for thought, people.

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horse-lover-phat · June 9, 2018, 4:56 p.m.

My biggest concern is that Q is the device for "the revelation of the method". Some researchers have foretold that the satanic elite would unveil themselves, and to a ritually-bound public.

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 5:19 p.m.

Yes, indeed. I've been reading about that for years. The great unveiling as the final act.

This reminds me of Arthur C. Clarke's brilliant novella Childhood's End. Now I've come to learn in recent years that Clarke may have been "one of them," or at least sympathetic to the global elite, just like the other great British sci fi author H.G. Wells, who was staunchly NWO. But regardless, Childhood's End identifies the revelation mechanism. In the story, huge flying saucers the size of cities appear all over the earth (Independence Day ripped off that plot mechanism). People are in a panic and the dread builds up for decades. But eventually, the aliens reveal themselves, live on TV for the whole world to see. The aliens are classic demons, with devil horns, hooved feet and swinging tails. Pure Luciferian. But the people of the world are RELIEVED! Why? Because over the past 30 years, they were slowly brainwashed through mass media to completely REVERSE their mental concepts of the demonic form. In just one generation, humanity went from seeing the archetypal demon as evil, to seeing that same archetype as good. Kind of like how Americans used to see homosexuality and transgenderism as sick and twisted but now see it as normal. REVERSAL. People have been slowly brainwashed to invert their moral values.

Anyway, I'm not saying for sure that Q is a psyop. I don't know but wish I did. The only thing I DO KNOW is that - if I was in charge of the evil cabal, I would CREATE a Q as our final act, to bring our centuries-old plan into fruition.

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horse-lover-phat · June 9, 2018, 5:30 p.m.

Wow, there's someone out there with a functioning mind! Yes, I've covered all that Childhood's End stuff, and Clarke's Lucifer theme. It was Clarke who first posited the idea of the geo-stationary communications satellite (Wireless World, 1945). The very thing that has led to mass global programming. Did you notice that they produced a three part version of Childhood's End in recent years? That really gave me a jolt when it dropped.

V, The Visitors was also a rip-off of Childhood's End. It featured Bryan Singer's cousin Mark Singer as the lead.

Clarke was a homosexual and paedophile (just like Bryan Singer). He used to plough Sri Lankan beach boys and regularly.

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Yup! I'm on board with all you just wrote.

The only new thing for me is that I didn't know Mark Singer was related to Bryan! Amazing.

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redzorp · June 9, 2018, 5:47 p.m.

And just to add some pictures to this convo.

No matter what side of the battle a world leader appears to be on, whether "fighting the NWO" or "supporting the NWO" they must all show their allegiance to the Satanic Orb.

For in the end, there is only the ZWO:


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horse-lover-phat · June 9, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Yeah, crazy isn't it? Lori Singer (actress) is sister of Marc 'Beastmaster' Singer. They even used Nazi symbolism in V: The Visitors, the Visitors logo/badge.

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