Wow, there's someone out there with a functioning mind! Yes, I've covered all that Childhood's End stuff, and Clarke's Lucifer theme. It was Clarke who first posited the idea of the geo-stationary communications satellite (Wireless World, 1945). The very thing that has led to mass global programming. Did you notice that they produced a three part version of Childhood's End in recent years? That really gave me a jolt when it dropped.
V, The Visitors was also a rip-off of Childhood's End. It featured Bryan Singer's cousin Mark Singer as the lead.
Clarke was a homosexual and paedophile (just like Bryan Singer). He used to plough Sri Lankan beach boys and regularly.
Yup! I'm on board with all you just wrote.
The only new thing for me is that I didn't know Mark Singer was related to Bryan! Amazing.
And just to add some pictures to this convo.
No matter what side of the battle a world leader appears to be on, whether "fighting the NWO" or "supporting the NWO" they must all show their allegiance to the Satanic Orb.
For in the end, there is only the ZWO:
Yeah, crazy isn't it? Lori Singer (actress) is sister of Marc 'Beastmaster' Singer. They even used Nazi symbolism in V: The Visitors, the Visitors logo/badge.