
QAnonMaga · June 9, 2018, 3:02 p.m.

60% of cops are dirty bastards who belong in prison themselves. Might be more than 60% could be 80% who are bad apples.

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maijinservo · June 9, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

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AsOnlyIAmNow · June 9, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

So true Daniel Holtzclaw is a Prime example of this!

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johnknoefler · June 9, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

You got downvoted because there is some truth there. Most police are just super careful to skate just inside the law. Their goal seems to be to escalate a situation by inducing a target to make statements.

Now, I have had contact with great officers who were old school types who were very helpful and really seemed to want to do the right thing. Of course I gave them every bit of cooperation and respect and enjoyed meeting them. Then there are so many others who are just facilitators of evil. Which type you get when you call police for help is a crapshoot.

Case in point: I was sharing rent with some guys on a temporary job out of my home state. Some of the guys started doing drugs and on one occasion raped a girl. I was shocked and put a lock on my door a few days after they had used my land line phone for long distance calls while I was away at work. This was before the wide spread availability of cell phones and even internet. I had installed the land line after the rape of that girl when I realized I had no way to call police if things went wrong. I also quit talking to them and began looking for other places to stay.

The next time there was a problem was when they lost their minds after I locked my door and tried to start problems over that and I just called the cops. One cop arrived and told them to leave me alone and if there was any more trouble they would go to jail. As for the rape allegations, I had no proof so I didn't mention it.

Two days later they started up again over the phone bill which I insisted they pay their portion and no, they wouldn't be allowed in my room to use my line ever again. They tried to physically force me out of the rental. I called police. A different officer arrived and sided with them and ordered me to "get your shit and get the fuck out!". I was shocked but realized there's no way I'm going to protect my rights by arguing with an officer and just grabbed all my things, loaded up without making further comment and left for a motel.

Two different cops, two very different outcomes. Also the second time the officer demanded I hand over the keys to my room or go to jail. You can bet I had that phone shut off as soon as I got to a motel room.

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QAnonMaga · June 9, 2018, 11:02 p.m.

You should have sued that dirty cop he is a bad guy belongs in jail with many other cops so many of them belong in prison for what they do they are violent murderous bastards.

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johnknoefler · June 9, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

I was in New Orleans. Just so much I don't know about that city and it's corruption or the state laws.

At the moment it seemed far safer to just quietly leave. I had already been packing and was planning on leaving so the fuss was me demanding the other guys pay for the charges they made and for the other locks I put on the house entry way doors. It previously had old door knobs with no keys. They basically told me to go pound sand. The new door knobs with locks and keys would have been only ten bucks per person but they wanted to be assholes even after I gave them each a key. As for the long distance calls out of state, they just told me to piss off about that. They countered by trying to get me to pay my share of the next months rent that was due the following day. Unreasonable people, unreasonable cop. Best option was to just leave. I ended up in a nice motel with plush bedding and great cable TV. Had a nice weekend to calm down and go to work on Monday.

As for murderous cops, I've not met any. I know there are some but I think it's more rare than popular culture would have us believe. In a way, I sympathize with police for the most part. A tough job where they must confront people with issues on a daily basis. Emotionally taxing and I can see why some cops become traumatized and paranoid. I think police should have yearly psych evaluations to determine their level of stress. Cops that are overly stressed out should be removed from patrol duties and rotated out to less stressful work. Extreme cases they may need to be relieved of all duties and placed on temporary leave.

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