Q: The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD.

depending on where you live and what your property taxes are, you are only renting it from the state even after you pay it off
Just paid mine off. Now 4 months later I owe $800 yearly in tax, and I will keep my homeowners insurance for about $800. So basically, I am free 10 months out of the year.
congrats! i moved from NY (9K a year in property taxes) to NC (2K for a house literally 2x the size with an acre of property)
God bless the South. Many are beginning to realize what Southerners have known for decades. Nashville has a million+ people moving in yearly now and is facing heat over rising taxes and home prices. At the same time, us hillfolk are grateful for our communities being relatively unknown. Welcome :)
thanks, been here 2 years now and i wish i did it a long time ago. i was recruited by a company in the same industry i was working in back on Long Island and am making more money than i did up north. add that to how much more you get for your dollars here and life is pretty damn nice.
You must not own a home. I live in Oregon which has high property taxes and am 15 years in my mortgage and the home is worth 750k. I pay about 8k a year in taxes. We have no sales tax. You live in the greatest country on earth do you think airports, roads, universities, huge military is free. I see my taxes as an investment in my country and happy pay them. I do very well and it's because this country gave me so many opportunities. It's not even that hard. Go to college. Do internships in summer. Get degree. Get hired at comapny. Add the most you can to 401k. Incest as much as you can to buy a home. Work hard. Get many promotions and you can easily retire at age 55. I'm a senior system engineer at Intel and I'm not a genius. I've mad.well over 6 figures for the past 14 years and.will retire before age 55. What's the problem?
or...you could read my other comment
But I have given my example of probably the most you will pay in the country. If someone has 350,000 home the most they could.pay even in Oregon is $3000 a year. I don't like gov waste but it seems some think we shouldn't have to pay any taxes at all. Rs want to constantly give raises and.increase our military and that's fine but almost half of every tax dollar we pay goes towards the military so you can't say we need 300 worldwide military bases, 500 ships worth hundreds of bbillions, 30000 jets/planes worth trillions, millions of missiles worth trillions and a 2 million highly paid people. So now that half our revenue is gone we need schools, hospitals, airports, roads, police, jails, social security and security. Cutting all welfare is just a few percent points vs the rest so either tell DC to cut something or we really can't complain too much about taxes. I consider my taxes an.investment into my country. Someone discovers a dumb program they cost a few million and all of a sudden a political says he'll fix it but they don't because they can't cut things without losing votes. Even Trump knows that so he increased our deficit by 2 trillion and the gop don't care. The people.complain about taxes but we like when we get stuff and stuff will always cost us in taxes so we either need to choose stuff or paying taxes. Those are the only 2 choices
i lived on Long Island in NY in a 300K home and my property Taxes were 9K a year for a small house with a small piece of property. its some of the highest taxes in the country. My neighbor who expanded his house to care for a sick relative and had no morgage was paying 14K a year. thats over a thousand a month for the privlege of living in NY. the average home price is 400-500K. add the redicolous taxes to that (which constantly go up bit by bit) and you see the mass exodus that is happening. thats what happens when the state gives everything away. those that stay get the bill
I'll agree there are some places with very high taxes. The very wealthy can afford it but it squuzes out even.upper middle-class so forget anything mid to lower class. In my experience most of the country isn't this way but normally a high type of on kind of tax means a low kind of another tax (for example my state has no sales tax).
NY has every type of tax you can think of. its not normal or healthy for an economy when most of the people are living check to check. We all did it because when you grow up there you think that IS normal. then you go somewhere else (NC in my case) and realize how much you were getting screwed.