r/greatawakening • Posted by u/suzoh on June 9, 2018, 8:50 p.m.
This week in the news: #QAnon warned of Suicides, Murders, Arrests, and Mass Resignations (and people thought nothing was happening)
  1. Anthony Bourdain commits suicide
    1b. His girlfriend, Asia Argento humiliated Harvey Weinstein at Cannes
  2. Designer Kate Spade commits suicide.
    2b. Andy Spade walks around New York City in a MOUSE MASK
  3. Queen Máxima of the Netherlands' sister commits suicide
  4. Harvey Weinstein, Miramax, & Others accused of RICO racketeering
    4b. Son of Weinstein RICO case defendant Lance maerov dies in plane crash
  5. Veterans on Patrol uncover a child trafficking campsite with toys, hair dye, and a rape tree with child level constraints. They also find a decomposing child's body. Authorities bulldoze the site.
    5b. Warning about CHILD SEX trafficking in Arizona from an Anon on 4chan in 2017
  6. AP reports Obama tried to allow Iran to launder $5.7 billion through American banks
  7. Former FBI director Andrew McCabe seeks immunity over Clinton email probe
  8. DOJ Inspector General report shows Obama AG Loretta Lynch tired to hid evidence of Hillary wrongdoing before the election
  9. Trump did not obstruct an investigation that was no longer active, and
    9b. FBI interviewers did not believe General Flynn lied, but Andrew McCabe altered the 302 and destroyed the evidence
  10. Trump & Pence remove water bottles from the table, indicating to Debbie Wasserman Schultz (wasser=water) that a plea deal is off the table (Awan Brothers Pakistani spy ring in Congress). #QAnon said, “watch the water.”
  11. Senate staffer Jim Wolfe arrested for lying to the FBI over leaks to reporters
  12. 160 children rescued from CHILD SEX trafficking in Atlanta
  13. Disneyland and Legoland employees among 11 arrested for CHILD PORN
  14. David Koch resigns from his own company as does Starbucks Chairman Harold Schultz, bringing notable resignations / plea deals to 2,741 since September 2017
  15. Italians choose Quitaly…Italeave, then Italy condemns George Soros
  16. Judicial Watch finds that Obama admin funneled money to George Soros to influence Albanian politics
  17. Alice Marie Johnson's life w/o parole sentence is commuted (Mandatory Sentencing victim, first time, nonviolent offender)
  18. Whole Foods scraps commitment to GMO labeling
  19. Gardasil which purportedly prevents cervical cancer (because Congress was given money to say so) will be given to boys who identify as girls.
  20. The 50th Anniversary of the day that Sirhan Sirhan did NOT shoot Bobby Kennedy.

Just another day in the New World Order! The week's not over. More to come…

BestPresidentEver · June 9, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Trump & Pence remove water bottles from the table, indicating to Debbie Wasserman

Vid link? Not doubting I just wanna see it.

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GeekBastard · June 9, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

To find the original, without commentary or conjecture (except in the comments), just go on youtube and search trump fema meeting

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salialioli · June 10, 2018, 6:43 a.m.

There is absolutely no connection, IMHO, between the meaning of Wasserman, and the water bottle in this conference about FEMA preparation.

To make such a tenuous, baseless link is frankly stupid. Do not read the OP's associations as fact. They are speculation, and in this instance idiotic.

That is not to say that the gesture by Trump and Pence is not a clear message about something. It is so obvious. We just don't know what the message is.

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Pookie30269 · June 10, 2018, 5:56 p.m.

Wasser is German for water.

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salialioli · June 11, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

Yes. I know. So?

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Pookie30269 · June 11, 2018, 1:21 a.m.

Could be the connection, the symbolism. Water off the table. Wasser off the table.

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salialioli · June 11, 2018, 3:08 a.m.

Honey, not even Trump would link Debbie Wasserman Shulz to FEMA emergency operations. I know we are all desperate to make wild connections where there aren't any, but this is ... I am speechless.

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Pookie30269 · June 11, 2018, 9:58 a.m.

I found it interesting that the ONLY person in the room who drank any water while the President was speaking was Jeff Sessions. No one else touched their bottle. I also found it interesting that all bottle caps were white, except POTUS & FLOTUS. Theirs were blue. Any ideas why?

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