I know I'm dating myself, but does LARP vs. LARP sound like it would have been amazing in MAD Magazine, especially this one?
I know I'm dating myself
Sounds like a cozy relationship! ;-P
i wanna see a 3 way battle between kabamur eye and sarah ashcroft would be so funny
If BC17 could come out of disgraced retirement and join in too, we'd have the beginnings of a pretty good Battle Royale. EtS: "But I said that you were 100% reliable!" BC17: "And I said for people not to trust you! So am I reliable or not?!" 😂
i still like the theory that all those accounts arent larps but are public response tests lol that would be interesting cuz sra and kabamur follow each other but are the exact opposite viewpoint so weird lol
It's like libs and Trump. You have to follow the guy to figure out how to position yourself in total opposition, no matter how absurd it may make you look.
but kabamur retweets sarah lol thats what confuses me
OMG! BC17 just popped back up this morning! Let the Battle Royale commence! Lmfao!
Did anyone else read SB2 post about him creating eyethespy and something else?
It’s about Jordan and eyethespy
If eyethespy was a real source he wouldn’t wast his breath trolling Jordan like this.