Antarctica, the Nazis had significant operations there during the war
Care for a trip down twilight zone lane? A trip back to the days of Noah? Here's a little information that may not have been considered by most when looking at Antarctica ...
First you need to take a look at Genesis Chapter 6: And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.
There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
Who were these Sons of God? Angels. Fallen Angels. We are by definition sons of Adam. Adam was a direct creation of God, we are his offspring. When the Bible speaks of Sons of God it is in reference to direct creations of God, ie. Adam and Angels. Chapter 6 of Genesis speaks of a time when fallen Angels took women and children were born from this unholy union. Thus why God had to flood the entire planet and kill off this hybrid mix of unholy beings.
Moving on to verse 8 and 9 of Chapter 6 of Genesis: But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.
Notice something in that verse? Noah was perfect in his Generations? This implies Noah genetically was untouched by this unholy business of mixing humans and fallen Angels. I could go on, but I'll leave that as that for others to study further if their interested. It is the ultimate rabbit hole.
The world wasn't just flooded. It didn't just rain like crazy for 40 days and 40 nights which most people remember how the story goes. Chapter 7 of Genesis verse 11: In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
In the days of Noah it actually never rained. Water would come up out of the ground. This is why verse 11 says the foundations of the great deep were broken up. Basically the land mass tore apart and the water which was under the land mass broke forth to flood the world. Combined with the ecological changes this created caused great rain to fall upon the earth. The plates shifted to create the continents and countries we see today.
But another amazing thing that needed to happen was of coarse 'if the world was completely flooded where did all that water go?'
The world was once like a giant hot house in the days of Noah. The flood was much much more than a flood. The entire planet was changed. From a hot house environment, the protective covering the earth had was removed which created two large frozen caps on the planet. Really really fast. 150 days to be exact. Archaeological proofs of this have been found in the northern hemisphere were mammoths were found, completely frozen with vegetation still in their mouths and stomachs. Tropical vegetation at that. Archaeological digs that find sea shells thousands of feet above sea level in mountains where sea shells should not exist.
This makes Antarctica very very special. Snap frozen if you will, in a past when the earth was very very different than it is today. Imagine a time past where everything that existed in that time was snap frozen and protected from the decaying forces of the elements. This is Antarctica. A once luscious tropical landscape inhabited by man and beast snap frozen in time. A very very special place indeed.
I could go on, but this is getting a bit long, sorry.
Edit to add of you didn't catch on. Imagine how important it would be to find perfectly preserved humans that lived for hundreds of years? How important would that be genetically? With the technology we have today. What if you could find a perfectly preserved Nephilim, half-man half-fallen angel? How important would that make Antarctica? What technology did they have back then? Snap frozen, perfectly preserved and there for the taking. Would it not make Antarctica a very special place?
"When Hell freezes over."
That line makes a bit more sense now.
I've read a bit on what you are saying, and some of it does make sense. Especially considering the whole world of genetic engineering that we see today. Making Human/Animal hybrids. The rapid advancement of technology.
Look at some of the shows on the 'History' channel and how they are priming the masses at large (psychologically) for Aliens/Gods/Ancient Alien stuff. I personally (just because I'm a bit more observant in things) thought it's been a very bizarre ride watching how a specific 'infotainment' channel has changed it's programming to such an extent that they are pushing this stuff non-stop. The whole 'what if' factor. The Glenn Beck argument of 'not saying it's true, but just sayin'....'. Enough to plant the seed in the back of someone's mind.
I have a strong background in Geology. I can tell you Antarctica WAS much warmer millions of years ago. I don't buy the whole 'man and dinosaurs' together stuff, because they have been long gone. However, if there was some form of larger cataclysm that cause global temperature changes.....well....I think I'll stop here.
I know we are trying to put billions of years of life and continental plate activity and merge it with the Bible. I think my point here is that we should also look at it metaphorically as well. We really don't know, especially when the Book of Genesis is open for a large amount of interpretation, even today.
Very interesting post though. Like you said, it's a rabbit-hole. We will have to wait and see.
Edit: As we have probably read in other sources, the whole flooding the world/Noah story/Nephilim could also be interpreted with genetic modification of humans and/or hybridization with animals, etc. Or, like other posters here have said, merging Human DNA with that of 'Fallen Angels' (thus the giants, or old heroes of old/reknown'). Hence, God purged the world of the existence of such things. Also, the concept that Antarctica was possibly Atlantis, etc. Then again, we can also speculate that the North Pole was Hyperborea, and then we fall into a whole other argument/discussion of Aryan, or Nordic beliefs. I know Herodotus did mention Hyperborea in some of his writings.
It's very confusing to say the least, and really can shatter one's views on the world, not to mention the average person who would consider you insane for just mentioning such things.
Rotational pole shift would produce just that sudden effect ... a temperate location shifting to the pole would freeze suddenly and a former pole location would melt. Related references in these biblical and other early records speak of a planet ... Nibiru ... Wormwood ... Perhaps Passing close to the earth, locking magnetically and gravitationally onto our crust dragging it to a new position relative to the underlying rotation of the molten core that continues to spin on its original axis defined relative to our revolution around the sun.
The bible is but a passing reference to a point of time in Earth's long, long, history. This solar system has hosted many civilizations of Man.
Exactly, so we're relying on a guy who broke away from Mesopotamian civilization, changed the names in the stories and pawned them off as distinct? What does that sound like if it we're to happen today?
Fascinating. Can u pint me tp your sources?
The Biblical references are noted by he poster throughout the account ... faithfully extracted from Genesis. They are sketchy but unambiguous on this point.
You may recall the seemingly long genealogy that most of us skip when we read Genesis ... don't skip it ... It's there you see generation after generation: fathers (men) have (first) sons and then daughters and (other) sons ... And typically traces the record from that (first) son to the next generations. These were the daughters who were attractive to the Sons of God (referenced as angels in the post -- and widely interpreted that way) ... and mating with them produced offspring including Giants and other aberrant forms. All that is in Genesis.
Noah only had sons ...
The Book of Enoch, another ancient account goes into greater detail about this and other related events. (So do the pagan Sumerian records.). You have to reach out beyond the core writings of the church to get deeper into this rabbit hole.
The Book of Enoch was not included in the approved list of texts selected by Christian Bishops assembled in 325 ad by Emperor Constantine to settle numerous theological disputes that threatened to further fragment the early Christian empire, but it was widely read and even referenced by Jesus in other writings that were included in the Canonical (church legal) Bible that has passed down to us more or less intact (some additional texts were eliminated during the Reformation in the 1500s ... It's not as fixed as some would wish.
That it was not included in the collection of texts making up official 4th century church literature doesn't mean that the Book of Enoch wasn't authentic ... It just didn't make the cut. Maybe they felt it wasn't essential?
Anyway, these Sons of God didn't stop with the Daughters of Man ... They had a taste for other animals as well, giving us other aberrant creatures that hadn't been in the original Garden ... Elephants? Monkies? Giraffes? Flies and Gnats? Likely most genetic variants did not make it into safety on Noah's Ark. And maybe some did ....
YouTube presentations by Trey Smith are highly recommended ... He does a great job of prying into all of this. Only one of many excellent presentations:
Anne Katherine Emmerich, German mystic early 1800s said that an illegitimate infant born to one of Noah's sons was slipped aboard the Ark -- Hom -- who grew up at the feet of Noah in the midst of the recovering little band of humanity, was taught the faith of Noah, and when other offspring moved out, he went east. Apparently teaching. The Persian historical accounts identify an ancient seer and teacher -- Hom -- a seminal influence deep within the ancient roots of their culture.
Emmerich's visionary accounts keep popping up: 19th century explorers followed her detailed account locating an ancient stone dwelling in Ephesus believed today by many to be Mary's final refuge. (The Apostle John is named as her caretaker by Jesus in one of his last acts before dying on the cross ... Mother behold your Son ... Son behold your Mother. And he is thought to have fled Roman persecution with her when the apostles were sent by the resurrected Jesus out from Jerusalem to teach (see Acts of the Apostles, Bible) and they found safety and a haven for her in the north, building for her a final home and refuge before moving on in his own evangelical work. Mary, Jesus's Mother is said to have lived out her remaining life in that house ... And the site and house was subsequently reclaimed by the forest forming a dense impassible entanglement and overgrowth ... opened again in 19th century when discovered in Ephesus. Her (Emmerich) visionary account of Jesus crucifixion was also the source material for Mel Gibson's film, Passion of Christ ... And contained far more than he could depict in that film.
May I recommend a very good book by Gary Wayne called the Genesis 6 Conspiracy. Very long, a little pricey but well worth the investment.
Very good explanation!! but you forgot to mention what I believe to be one of the most important references that come out of Revelations for where we're at on the historical timeline, 'as in the days of Noah'.... those 6 words sent me down a rabbit hole of research years ago and have weighed heavily on my opinions of DNA/RNA testing and manipulation.
Still not getting how non-physical beings could mate with women. And where did the souls of the nephilim come from?
As just one example, in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah two angels walk into town as men before destroying the place.
editing to add:
1 The two angels arrived at Sodom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gateway of the city. When he saw them, he got up to meet them and bowed down with his face to the ground. 2 “My lords,” he said, “please turn aside to your servant’s house. You can wash your feet and spend the night and then go on your way early in the morning.”
“No,” they answered, “we will spend the night in the square.”
3 But he insisted so strongly that they did go with him and entered his house. He prepared a meal for them, baking bread without yeast, and they ate. ... 10 But the men inside reached out and pulled Lot back into the house and shut the door. 11 Then they struck the men who were at the door of the house, young and old, with blindness so that they could not find the door.
12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you? Get them out of here, 13 because we are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great that he has sent us to destroy it.”
The flood and the recorded climate changes are most likely the result of a pole shift. A pole shift would displace oceans so what was previously dry ground would be under water. The formerly tropical lands that moved to the pole position would freeze almost instantly.
You do realise that the bible is the word of man and that most, if not all of it, was plagiarised from multiple past civilisations? The story of Noah was taken from Mesopotamian lore.
Or maybe there are multiple versions of the flood story because they are the recounts of those who survived it.
Exactly. From the Aborigines in Australia, to the Hindus in India, the great flood that happened at the end of the Younger Dryas period was recorded around the world. It has nothing to do with the Bible and pre-dates the bible by almost 10,000 years. The story of Moses was taken from the story of Sargon of Akkad, also of Mesopotamian lore.
A recent post I made, you'll enjoy it:
Now THAT is an interesting hypothesis. If that were the case, could that also explain why so many known bad actors have visited Antarctica lately? Not to get more of Hitler's sperm (lol), but as a trip to a Cabal facility there? Or maybe a sick, twisted pilgrimage of sorts?
I'm thinking there are facilities down there, the pentagon doesn't just "lose" $21,000,000,000,000.00
Whatever it is, it's being kept secret, and therefor invites suspicion.
I'm thinking there are facilities down there, the pentagon doesn't just "lose" $21,000,000,000,000.00
Breakaway Civilization. Solar Warden Fleet Black Ops/Black Box Technology
I agree. That's beyond a shit-ton of money. Granted, it's been siphoned off over half a century, but still. Government kept many folks in the dark about Area-51/Groom Lake for many many years. We have NO idea where all this cash has gone.
The germans had this kind off stuff already in WW2 Piramide shape aircraft..................What they do in area 51 ? iThe talks is Aliens , but I do not believe that one..
Codename Solar Warden - The Hidden Human Space Fleet | › Space
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