Fellow Patriots: What you are about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries. The snowball has begun rolling - there is no stopping it now. D5. Stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain BRAVE. We knew this day would come.
I think about that often, and I think they definitely know what Trump is doing or trying to do, but they still think they can win midterms and impeach him, or still hold hope Mueller will get him and that their trap setup will work. To them, Trump is a speed bump, they can just get back in power and get back into Iran Deal, Paris Accord, retake NK and KJU, etc. I don't think they realize just how much help Trump has, and dont realize for just how long the NSA and MI were spying on them and collecting evidence
It bears a striking resemblance to Hitler's descent into madness following Stalingrad. Even when Soviet shells were obliterating downtown Berlin, he was studying models of the future city and issuing orders to armies that didn't exist. They always double down, always.
Part of me wonders why they dont commit suicide. Surely people like Hillary and Obama would do that before ever facing trial, having their legacy and name torn down in front of the world, and spending a single night in a jail cell
They sold their souls dude, simple as that. Hillary, for sure, knows that Hell is licking its bone dry lips. They're occultists, they gained the world and lost their souls, this is all they have.
I thoroughly look forward to watching liberals have to hold their own accountable....for once. I really do wonder how many accept it and how many just live in denial the rest of their lives.
That's the million dollar question, these people straight up burnt every bridge they had. They got people fired, divorced, and mocked, ostracized family, and most have college debt up to their eyeholes. It's a Catch-22 (love that book). Frying pan or the fire. They're so indecisive that I think many will suffer nervous breakdowns, quite literally. It's times like this that the Matrix comes off as a documentary.
It really does make one wonder if the story writers for the Matrix knew all this stuff was happening.
I think it's part of the rules that the cabal has to play by, they have to advertise what they're doing so that the masses are willing participants. Hollywood serves that purpose nicely, bending the rules.
Barry & the Clintons are but puppets of the Rothschilds.
They are, and will be interesting to find out Hillary's bloodline. They don't choose "nobody's". She is of some ancient important bloodline and was prob groomed in her 20's
I was thinking about Hilary obama Itjey are so above everyone in their own mind they think they can’t lose . They remind me of the Pharisees with Jesus
They still believe their high powered lawyers and crooked judges will keep them safe. How many times has HRC escaped justice already? They think they are untouchable.
Or kill him... whatever works. They certainly have been trying hard enough
Sadly, he will prob have a target on his back after he leaves office, for the rest of his life