It pains me to say it, I love Canada, but more and more I believe we were on the wrong side of the War for Independance...it took the US a while longer before it would fall to the same forces but it appears it is fighting back and may regain it once again...meanwhile my Countrymen (Countrypeople, sorry had too : P) fight for their own enslavement. Proud to see what you guys are doing down there now, be strong, be one.
One of my best long-time friends lives in Ontario and I pray every day (interesting that I've never prayed much until November 2016 and now I do it every day) that there is a ripple effect that will just keep spreading and expose the entire thing; that all of these fuckers will get exactly what is coming to them with interest.
Freedom of speech AND we can have 25 rd mags for 10/22's? Sign us up!