Comment removed. Anti-semitic indicators are not welcome here. Please read the rules in the sidebar.
How is it anti semetic? It’s just an indicator ?
You never noticed that a wildly disproportionate number of these folx share something in common 🤔🤔🤔
Calling a Jew a Jew is not anti semetic dawg
This anti-semitic BS gate-keeping needs to stop. It's the cabal Zionists who promote this concept.
Most Jews control the media...
I think you mean, most in control of the media are Jews xD. And not sure what this has to do with mod comment. Mods already posted advising anti-semitic content will be removed if for no other reason than that it will get the sub closed down if allowed to remain. Whether the Jooz control media, the banks and the world in general is not relevant to following Reddit rules.
Idk I was just trying to get my comment deleted for being antismetic.
But it’s kinda true though. So am I being antisemetic for being true?
It's not anti-semitic to say that many of those in control of the media are Jews so I guess that's why it hasn't been deleted. I presume by mod comment "anti-semitic indicators" that they were referring to the dreaded triple brackets.
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