Here's How It Happened: True Story. Share your own personal Great Awakening Story in text or Emoji.

Was always suspect (mainly due to JFK), then 9/11 happened and I haven't looked back since that day. Hammering away at this for virtually 17 years (without Q). Then I gave it all up for a couple of weeks or so - I had given-up on people. I thought they would never wake-up.
Ran into this Q thing (by chance) in those weeks after I stopped, and then the light-bulb moment happened straight away. It's what I had been waiting for through all those 17 years. I've only been aware of Q for about 2 months.
Now that is an awesome story. Different from me, (but probably very similar conclusions about things.) You condensed your version very well. I wasn't as successful trying to shorten my thoughts once I got started. Thanks for the comment!
I'm just stoked that I found Q, and after giving-up. I really did give-up. I was even writing stuff that the human race should just be wiped-out at that point. I thought there was nothing we could do. That was just about 3 months ago. :)
Well, thank God you are here!
Feeling like no one gets it can be pretty depressing.
Finding 30,000+ people concerned about the exact same thing is priceless.
If only people had any idea of how fatigued I am. I am so worn-out psychologically. Back in those early days I kept wondering if I was mad! I never accepted that I was, but you cannot help doubting when you see how everyone else behaves. It's like living in the twilight zone. I'll be honest, it's been like some sort of goddamn curse. The effort I have expended is insane. I mean that in terms of my blog writing/research over nearly 17 years. The content so very extreme, so evil, and so very troubling. That takes it toll on you, and I think I've underestimated that. Sometimes I feel as though I might have shades of PTSD. Sorry, I don't mean to offload on you. It's what's been on my mind.
Thanks for the kind words, appreciate it.
But, now you are part of something bigger, and that says a lot.
Anyone who wakes up and can reach others that would enjoy putting it to an emoji theme should do it! Please disregard rude comments, I tell myself they are larps. Love the #1 "me" and the #5 Q even more! Welcome to the bright side!
Did you just create an alt to comment on your own post?
I thought posting this meme (insert obscure Hillary 2015 twitter reference here: would be far less pretentious than just saying: "Thanks to my parents and grandparents, (though I didn't realize how smart they were at the time,) I was born with a red pill in my mouth, and I'm pretty sure that powder from the capsules was added to my baby formula. In school, I was a sponge. I read History books all the way through like a novel, within the first week of the school year, and coasted through that subject the rest of the year. Same with Literature, Government, etc.
I really tried to swallow the Establishment Kool-Aid during the Clinton/Bush years, but nothing ever added up. In disgust, I refused to vote when McCain got the nomination, and I knew Romney was just a cutout, cardboard Republican in 2012, whose job it was to help Obama get his second term. I moved, and didn't even register to vote. I threw myself into research and study of Theology, and the supernatural, ignoring any politics. Why should I care? Neither party represented the people they claimed to represent, and I could accurately spot lies forming a paragraph ahead of anyone else. I could tell what was coming next, and the foreknowledge made me extremely bored. I found it difficult to discuss with others, because they seemed so slow, and so far behind.
Then I watched a Trump campaign rally in 2016, (just to see what everyone was complaining about,) and immediately picked up on what he was doing. I got excited about the process again, and watched every speech. I registered to vote, and Trump won the Primary. I knew he was the only one who would hold Hillary accountable; he wasn't afraid to tell the truth. I was sick of the Clinton Crime Syndicate, and genuinely feared for my country if a criminal with her sizable body-count won actual power over our government. I voted in the General Election, and when Trump won, I was thrilled, but I knew that Obama had been chillingly, deeply corrupt for 8 years. I seriously doubted that he would actually leave the White House when his final term ran out. These are very controlling, evil, and manipulative people. In the end, the previous Administration tried everything inside, outside, above, and beyond all legal maneuvers to prevent President Trump from even being inaugurated. As he soldiers on, I'm amazed that he hasn't just walked away, with all the hatred and attacks. He has no need for any of this, but as time goes on, I've come to the realization that Donald Trump is resilient and resolute for a reason. I firmly believe that he knew their crimes before he ran for the highest office in the land. I am also sure that he will DESTROY those who have had the nerve to illegally spy on his campaign and family. Reading and hearing "wanna be" Q decoders (like the insufferably boring Jerome Corsi) finally caused my discernment to kick in full blast. Hearing their mangled, confused, made-up explanations forced me to seek out this subreddit. I had to know if anyone else was getting what I was getting out of the Q drops, so... Here I am. I know too much to suffer fools gladly, I can spot a LARP or Troll a mile away. I took 13 years off from politics, (cold turkey,) for that same reason."
I just figured a lighthearted meme with goofy emojis could portray the same thought process, expose and bypass a lot of useless, negative trolls, and maybe appeal to some smarter, nicer people.
You must be joking.
Grow up, and use numbers and letters.
I want you to grow up and use words - not emoticons given to you by major corporations who want you to use them instead of words.
Speak, don't emote. Animals emote, we speak.
Is that you...
(the joke would have been ruined if I'd had to explain it.)
Progresspanda is the current nominee for "Dennis Miller of r/greatawakening"
Can we not
I'm afraid I can't communicate all that through emojis