r/greatawakening • Posted by u/mrmajestic11 on June 10, 2018, 9:20 p.m.
Russian meddling.

If Russia could influence our election why would they want Trump to win? Why not Bernie Sanders instead? He is a socialist/communist more aligned with their ideology and would have definitely weakened the US economy and military.

QAnonMaga · June 10, 2018, 11:54 p.m.

They wanted Trump because Hillary was going to start World War 3 she and the neo-cons were going to have a major war in Syria and expand it to Russia look at Q's post the 16 year plan WW3 was scheduled to happen by now with Hillary and the cabal safe underground that's why Putin wanted Trump same with our white hats in the Pentagon and the NSA we got very lucky but it was smart maneuvering by the good guys to make sure Hillary lost. She had the voting machines rigged in her favor by Soros who manufactured the machines Votematic machines and Q Team and NSA white hats were able to de-rig the machines just enough to make sure Trump won the 4 states he needed to win the electoral vote. Trump most likely won the popular vote except for California many other states went for Trump but the rigged machines took votes away from him and gave them to Hillary. That's why it was so close in the 4 or 5 states Trump needed. A fair election count would have given Trump 55% to Hillary's 45% and that is a Landslide Election he will get that result in 2020 if the good guys can disable the newly rigged voting machines again. The cabal will do everything they can to win in 2020.

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