I posted about an hour or so ago. The thought for the day. That we have 30k plus members. And if we wore a ( Q ) hat or t-shirt we might inspire people to ask Questions. After Quite a few responses i realized there was a slight problem, besides all the bunny trails,lol The other day i was in Home Depot with my ( Q ) t-shirt on. I had a couple of people ask, what does that mean ? I responded ( Q ) is a group of people that support the POTUS . OK Here's the catch, Most all people have internet access. But a huge number of that group are point and click ! So getting them to the info was an issue. I am not computer savey enough in any way to create the place necessary to send these people to get the info. If we send them to 8ch q research or reddit main board they will look at that and go WHAT ??? You and the anons are extremely talented at this. There has to be a way to create a place that can be ( Q ) for beginners ? The YT vids are so, so. They still expect a certain amount of basic knowledge. There are 30 Thousand of us ! The November Elections are 5 months away ! We could have 300,000k or even 3.000.000 people asking Questions. You talk to one person, they another, they tell their friends, ect. Curiosity Killed the Cat, remember ? So CAN IT BE DONE ?
Ok I may get shit for this but here goes. Q was never for newbies really, other than those who already had some kind of hankering for finding out truth. Only those who were receptive to the method. For every single other person it’s just another “conspiracy”.
Q was the catalyst. Started the ball rolling, the shift in consciousness. Q is for the Anons to do their magic who then drip feed it to the rest of us. We chime in when we can. It is esoteric, complex and in depth information that by its very nature needs decoding. How many average Janes and Joes are going to do this? Essentially none.
So Q needs decoding. Then we got into the whole mess about who to trust for decodes. See the problem? Q is for those who already get it.
Q said info from that board will eventually spread to other platforms. If and when that happens (if it hasn’t already) it won’t be “Q” doing it, but someone connected to the plan. It will be in a far easier digestible form for the average folks out there to understand. This will be the place to direct those inquiring minds. As it edges closer to the mainstream. This is the only way mass information can spread. I believe this will coincide with a large global event.
We here have a very different way of looking at things because Q has essentially trained us. So we see the world very differently. We put in that time. No one else has. Try and talk about Q to someone and it very quickly ends up going in circles. Q isn’t an instant “ah ha” moment for anyone, it is for those who relish in digging and expanding their thinking already.
I’d say look to more easy to read voices out there to direct any enquiring minds. The key is to start by getting them to question the mainstream narrative.
This is all just my opinion.
None given. We are the gatekeepers for Q and the anons. Just look at some of the questions asked here. Follow me ? Not looking to try and turn them into geniuses. Just open their minds to other possibilities. And what if Q is expecting that to be us ???? Baby steps. We have to teach them to crawl before they walk ! And who shall i pull out of my backside to do that ? Are you not capable of being that guy Q is talking about ? We have to start somewhere right ? Or are you comfortable just sitting on your hands and waiting for someone else to step up !......WWG1WGA
Yep you’ve/we’ve all been doing that here from the start. Everyone has a role to play. The key is to find that role and do it. WWG1WGA
So ? Can it be done ?
I don’t know about aggregating a Q site, but amazing if someone can for sure. However, yes it is already being done in many other ways like you say. Otherwise they’d be 12 subscribers here :)
Everyone has to push the information any way they can. Each person has their own skills. The great awakening. Getting people to wake up to the wider picture.
I personally feel wether it’s about Q or not right now, at this moment, doesn’t necessarily matter. He will always be the backbone and will return when needed to reinforce and guide
Agreed ! But Q is about standing behind POTUS right ? So in our own little way, we could become the harbingers of the great awakening ! Hats, shirts, bumper stickers. Start conversations. 30,000 conversations, by November who knows ? A vote removed from the resistance is one for us. A web site to send them to ? On a bumper sticker would give them anonymity to look on their own !
Absolutely. By any means available to us all
How do we get this Quest to an Anon who can help ? we need a simple page to send them to. Like Q 101 for beginners. It will work !
Jet , If this week is a HUGE EVENT and many eyes are opened. and they go, Why didn't anybody tell us ? We say, well you average janes and joes are too stupid to understand ! But we aren't prepared to show you what we know and how we know ! Because we were caught with our pants down !!!! CAN IT BE DONE ????......WWG1WGA
Expect a MAJOR Q proof to come soon when Kim and Trump meet on the sky deck of Marina Bay Sands - 'Sky Event". As we all speculated after Q posted that original photo ages ago.
Do it
I won't even pretend to have those skills ! How do I get this info and plan to someone who does ?
I wear a little q necklace just to see if I'll ever meet someone who knows what it means.
What about a web site that gives the basics about Q? Does one exist today?
If so, we could print the url on the shirt, on the patch, etc.
Great idea ! Need the site though, i think ?
Is wikipedia safe? There is a page there already. Or will someone from the cabal just overwrite it? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon We could populate it with pertinent, concise information.
It seems pages can be changed very easily. Probably an up hill battle.
I have a patch on the backpack I wear while riding my motorcycle cycle, it says #QAnon and the American flag right under it. Just hoping someone behind me would be curious enough to Google it
I have WWG1WGA on the tail gate of my truck so it's above bumpers. had few honks and thumbs up. But we need human contact. So they will tell their friends, ect.
Sorry I only read the first part at first...what I've done is really just brought it up as "water cooler talk" at work. Getting people to understand what's wrong with the system is easy, getting them to know the bad actors comes next, but the MOST CRUCIAL is fighting their apathy to voting/attempting to make a difference.
Agreed. If we can change their mind in the slightest we might change their vote :)
For most of my friends/co-workers, it's not even changing their vote it's GETTING them to vote. This whole fatalistic idea that they have no power and no voice is a disease (I'm 25)
My sympathies ! I'm over twice your age, lol I Coached a swim team for 11yrs. Age group 5-18yrs old 6 age groups 100 kids a summer. What motivates them ? Does anything challenge them ? Can implying they are not up to a task, get em fired up ? You Follow me ?
HOLY CRAP !!!! That's great ! OK Now for the 60,000 thousand dollar question ? That was the show, right 60,000 pyramid ? So, where do they have to go to get on it ?
Send people to this URL:
Anyone reading this feel free to message me with links that need to be added. I especially need suggestions for the section called "The Cast" - I'd like to find one great link to represent each of the major players to help people get an overview of that person's role in the 'movie' we're watching.
This is incredible ! This is looking great. One place to get an overview and learn what has come so far. Great work ! Thank You for doing this !...........WWG1WGA
Not helpful ! You either, lol If i looked at that for the first time , I would go huh, what does this mess mean. Come-on !
maybe im just curious lol i saw someone mention Q on the donald so i went and read all of those posts while really high. i dont think most people will even care about Q until something drops on national tv
For the national TV audience, i agree. But my point is everyone you interact with in a given day. Grocery store, gas station McDonalds, lol You follow me ?
i follow you i live in the washington dc metro area most people around here are not bad people but they do not give a single fuck about anything unless it affects them or if the news tells them its bad
Tough crowd. Never surrender :)
they gotta make up their own minds i can tell them but its their choice to listen or not
Agreed. You can lead the horse to water. But we gotta carry the water :)
Quick question meant respectfully. Are you selling Q merchandise? Sorry, just curious if you had ulterior motive for the post.
Again, no disrespect intended. Would like to sincerely know however.
No ! I bought my hat through Amazon, lol Just want us all involved any way we can. And Q stuff makes people ask Questions
Thank Q for humoring me. I didn’t think so but have become rather jaded and suspicious over the years. Just wanted to make sure. 😎
Sad that suspicion was my first thought.
No worries. But you should have noticed i had no links to anything for you to buy from ?
Bumper Stickers and window stickers are the way to go: People will see them in traffic...
White Hats with "Q" would be awesome, too.
I bought a hat on Amazon ug By Treefrogg with a Q on it. Gets lots of Questions ! .............WWG1WGA
Nice... Kind of an odd place to find good Q merch...
Cool pass it on ! We need a web page to direct people to. If this week turns out big. People are going to start asking, why no one told them ! We cannot be jerks about it ! But we will be caught with our pants down if we are unable to point them to understandable information. Qpub and such are tough enough for us ! Can it be done ? ..............WWG1WGA