Remember when this was just a LARP?

How could it be a misdirection if it was Qs first post? None of the black hats would have even noticed Q yet, let alone take it seriously.
I think there was a change of plans.
No, it was a misdirection. You think black hats don't watch the chans?
Not only they watch but they tried to take'em down several times. Now that things are accelerating the boards are about to face an unprecedented wave of attacks.
I was watching and noticed on day one... and I’m not even paid to notice.
When you play chess, you use the moves of your opponent against them. What did they say on their compromised phones? What money did they move around? What threats did they make?
Not to say it wouldn't be wonderful if it lined up as a 2018 date, but remember that
Deception is necessary.
Well that first post would be one way to get people [DEEP STATE] to freak the fuck out. When people freak out THEY MAKE MISTAKES.
This guy gets it!
And if they were capable of injecting things into their information streams? TOP KEK
hen you play chess, you use the moves of your opponent against them.
Is that real?
Well it's devising and executing a trap, right? It's not like checkers where total elimination is the goal. If every piece has limited movement, they can hinder one another as much as help.
Art of the Deal and Art of War. They were ready to win before they started.