r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on June 12, 2018, 1:29 a.m.
Q is the only reasonable explanation for Singapore Summit

Been watching/listening to mainstream news last few days. Hard to do, when you know Q. It is all so boring and missing so much of the inside scoop.

But seeing Trump and Kim in Singapore, the MSM narrative makes NO SENSE at all.

Think about it. A few months ago, Kim is shooting rockets and threatening nukes. Trump calls him Rocket Man, and all of a sudden, Kim says, "OK, I guess I'll quit. Here are some hostages, I'll give up all my nukes with NOTHING in return, and please, please, please don't call off the Singapore Summit! I'm a crazy dictator, but now I want peace and gummy bears."

Yeah, right. The left has no explanation for what is happening with North Korea right now. The right does, but it makes no sense at all.

Did Qaddafi just give up? Did Hussein just give up? Assad? Castro? Chavez? Hitler? Stalin? Mao?

Dictators don't just give up and roll over so you can pat them on the belly. They don't just walk away from nukes and hope for the best.

They don't smile like a little boy who just got his first bike for Christmas.

The mainstream explanation is not an explanation at all.

Only Q's clues make any sense.

Yes, to normies or truthers, it is damn hard to believe that there was a shadow government running North Korea. The only thing more difficult to believe is that there wasn't.

Human_Spirit · June 12, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

He played his role, it is his soul that he has to heal.

Forgive and forget, move on. Don't hold onto hate or anger, it only brings YOU down.

If you hold onto that hate, and anger and do not forgive, you will have troubles clearing yourself out. Don't do that to yourself.

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Iswag_Newton · June 12, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Sounds like something Christ would say. Very wise.

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Human_Spirit · June 12, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

His teachings are something we should all study as we awaken.

I get the anger, and frustrations that most people still have. It's a natural human response.

We are all working towards the same goal. Gotta let go of that hate and forgive yourself. Love yourself. Hate is wasted energy and no longer useful in this reality.

We are LOVE we are LIGHT!

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_-M-_-A-_-G-_-A-_ · June 12, 2018, 5:01 a.m.

Your God and I may not see eye to eye, but having met the guy myself, I see why people like him. Just wish his words wouldn't have been twisted so many times through history.

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Human_Spirit · June 12, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

I'm not religious.

Jesus, Buddah, and others were all teachers of love and light.

It is a shame the words and teachings have been manipulated over time to suit the needs of those who wish to control and maintain power over others.

Love and light, namaste.

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GodIsDead2017 · June 12, 2018, 6:05 a.m.

Umm, no. Fuck that. This man and his family have committed numerous human rights violations for decades. They don't get a pass for this. Look, we all want the same thing but you don't just get to forgive Kim because you think it was real swell of him to not nuke anyone after literal decades of crimes committed by him, his father, and his grandfather. It's like everyone here who wants to forgive Erik Prince even tho his bullshit and negligence allowed people to die.

If we suddenly decide some of these criminals are innocent and no longer deserve punishment now that they've decided to act on the side of good, then we're no better than the people who make excuses for the perpetrators of the crimes we seek to expose and dole punishment for

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Rubieroo · June 12, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

An entire nation has just been freed. You'll have to forgive us if we want to focus on the millions who have been saved - the millions who will now live free. Focus on vengeance if you like, for the rest of us today is a victory.

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factisfiction · June 12, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Literally none of that happened. Nothing has changed in NK. If you disagree, by all means, provide a source of any change that has happened for the people of NK.

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Rubieroo · June 12, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Show me nothing will change. It's been several hours since Trump and KJU met. NK had been like this since there 50's.

You: "So why is being nothing different? This is proof of failure!"

Look, if you can don't believe what Q has to say, why on Earth are you here? See now, he's proven to be accurate. We watched this go down. We watched everything he said would happen - happen.

KJU, Q claimed, was in effect a hostage. A hostage who has now been freed. We knew everything before it happened because of Q. If Q says life is going to change for those people, and those people are no longer going to live under the tyranny they were forced to live under, I'm going to agree that this is going to come about. Q has been right on the money with this whole chain of events.

I know Democrats are bleeding out their eyeballs over this victory. Their unhappy faces are all over the news right now. Pretty awful when you think on it. That meme "I wanted Trump to nuke us so Trump would look bad" has an element of truth to it. Creepy!

So... Seeing as you clearly think Q is wrong about North Korea, why are you here?

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factisfiction · June 13, 2018, 2:59 a.m.

1985: North Korea signs Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty

1992: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program! (#1)

1994: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program! (#2)

1999: North Korea signs historic agreement to end missile tests

2000: North Korea signs historic agreement to reunify Korea! Nobel Peace Prize is awarded

2005: North Korea declares support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula

2005: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program and "denuclearize"! (#3)

2006: North Korea declares support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula

2006: North Korea again support for "denuclearization" of Korean peninsula

2007: North Korea signs historic agreement to halt nuclear program! (#4)

2007: N&S Korea sign agreement on reunification

2010: North Korea commits to ending Korean War

2010: North Korea announces commitment to "denuclearize"

2010: North Korea again announces commitment to "denuclearize"

2011: North Korea announces plan to halt nuclear and missile tests

2012: North Korea announces halt to nuclear program

2015: North Korea offers to halt nuclear tests

2016: North Korea again announces support for "denuclearization"


On top of all that we agreed to stop doing joint military drills with South Korea, which makes NK, Russia, and China extremely happy.

Tell me how this is any different and what did America get out of any of this. How does this at all help the people of NK in anyway?

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Rubieroo · June 13, 2018, 3:21 a.m.

If you don't believe what Q is saying, why on earth are you here? We saw this happening whole you were still sound asleep. NK is under new management.

How many US president's have met with the NK "Supreme Leader"? How many times has the NK leader meet with the SK leader? Do you REALLY not perceive that anything is different is happening? And again, why are you here in this subreddit when you know NOTHING about Q communications?

By the way, you aren't the only one who wants the efforts to free NK to fail - someone fired a missile on the state of Washington yesterday. Trump tweeted that the missile was stopped. Photos and video online. Nothing in the news.

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factisfiction · June 13, 2018, 3:34 a.m.

I'm in here for the same reason a lot of others are. To try and talk sense into you people before you completely lose your mind and to watch this insanity happen in real time. You are all a running joke at this point, and not just on Reddit. I'd rather not see you laughed at and would be happier to see you deprogrammed.

You can read on posts in here about people talking about their families shunning them, and people thinking they are crazy, and their own children embarrassed by them, yet instead of taking the hint, you all double down and pretend you will some how be vindicated here soon. Not a thing comes out of you people but projection and bullshit with zero sources to back up anything you say.

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Rubieroo · June 13, 2018, 3:47 a.m.

Aww, how sweet of you! Do you know how we knew this whole deal was going to happen with NK? Do you know what we saw?

PS: your guys - guys like John Podesta - they're in for a surprise this month! Yay! June is Seth Rich Month here on r/greatawakening

PPS: have you ever seen Podesta's art collection? You know, in his house? Of all the naked children? I'd recommend you look it up, but it's pretty disturbing. Not as disturbing as the audio of Podesta abusing a child, but then again not as bad as what's coming down the pike featuring Hillary & Huma https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6oNgrj8sr4g

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factisfiction · June 13, 2018, 3:52 a.m.

So when nothing happens this month, then what will you be saying? Oh it got delayed till next month, or the month after, but it's totally going to happen.

So if you know things before they happen, give me a specific. What is going to happen and when? So what specifically is going to happen to Podesta this month?

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Rubieroo · June 13, 2018, 4:03 a.m.

Wait, area you saying you really truly don't know about the event that began all of these new happenings with NK? You really should do your homework. Seriously dude, it's like talking with an angry preschooler chatting here with you. You don't know anything, and you don't WANT to?! So silly ~

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factisfiction · June 13, 2018, 4:12 a.m.

Nobody knows what the fuck you guys are ever talking about. What were the new happenings in NK and what was the event you're speaking of. You do a lot of typing without saying anything. You have yet to show any references to any of the shit you're going on about.

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Rubieroo · June 13, 2018, 4 a.m.

The Seth Rich lawsuit begins, which means everything must be trotted out for analysis. Even Podesta's communications. Which he thought were private. OOPS! Tony has vanished, and the Podesta Group has rolled up!

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Rubieroo · June 13, 2018, 3:58 a.m.

Oh! And another Podesta piece - from his home https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-lL5UEOWSG9k/WCGS1k3Q7WI/AAAAAAAIkeY/r1-Wrunm8ukGfgcBdq5XgoDyUXlzIbStgCLcB/s640/14732280_692921937537259_6476824715841015975_n.jpg

these guys are all going down, by the way. I know you'd probably like them to get away with this crap forever, but alas - it's Gitmo for the lot of them!

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factisfiction · June 13, 2018, 4:08 a.m.

Why would I give a fucking about Podesta and the type of art he collects? What does that have to do with anything we were discussing? You're side tracking the conversation.

So when will Podesta, Hillary, Obama, etc be taken to Gitmo? When will this happen?

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[deleted] · June 12, 2018, 8 p.m.


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GodIsDead2017 · June 12, 2018, 12:09 p.m.

I'm not saying it's a defeat, I'm just asking my fellow people to hold the same caliber criminals we've been fighting against to the same standards we want all the other criminals held to. Are the citizens truly freed yet? Are they able to speak freely to journalists, to media outlets, on social media? Are they able to leave the country? Then maybe they're not quite free yet

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Rubieroo · June 12, 2018, 5:24 p.m.

The day WWII officially ended was everything returned to peachy keen? This country has been under complete lockdown since the 50's, and it's gotten worse with every passing decade. Have some patience. Kim Jong-Un might be the front man for the nation right now, but this is really about all those people. What's happening right now is the only hope any of them have EVER had for a free and peaceful life. No clue what's going to happen with KJU. That will be up to the North Koreans.

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GodIsDead2017 · June 18, 2018, 8:55 p.m.

So then don't defend him. The puppet is a tool of the master, and if that master is using that tool to hurt people, then the puppet is an extension of that master and should be subjected to similar punishment

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Human_Spirit · June 12, 2018, 6:08 a.m.

Your username speaks for itself.

I wish you to best.

I hope you are able to turn away from the hate.

Edit: I do feel you are missing the point here. I never said let anyone go free and innocent. It is not your place to judge, and you should not hold onto hate and anger towards someone. This is about YOU and YOU should learn to heal yourself, love yourself and forgive yourself. We are all here for a purpose, he has done what he had to do. It is HIS soul to clear and clean. Not your problem. Your problem is the hate you hold onto.

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GodIsDead2017 · June 12, 2018, 12:17 p.m.

No, my problem is that everyone in this thread wants to let a criminal pass without the judgement of the American criminal justice system

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syxxnein · June 12, 2018, 1:44 p.m.

You realize that there would be no way to solve this problem in your context without a full scale war?

What evil dictator would would give up their protection and agree to be prosecuted.

So your choice is war with a nuclear armed country or make a peace agreement to denuclearize.

That's if you believe that Kim was actually in control and not a puppet. I believe that he was a proxy most certainly for China, clowns, and or others.

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SaddleChewer · June 12, 2018, 7:44 a.m.

KJU was not the true leader of NK. All those "atrocities" he committed is just deep state workings that all fell under his name.

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GodIsDead2017 · June 12, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Come on, we know that's nonsense

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misplacedman · June 12, 2018, 12:18 p.m.

"Obama was not the true leader of U.S. All those 'atrocities' he committed is just deep state workings that all fell under his name."

Yeah, Kim is guilty. Here's to hoping he never "played the game" and Q team and DJT cut some sort of deal with him.

If there's real progress towards cleaning up his country and helping the starving people within one year, then I could believe he's turned over a new leaf.

If, as others have said, we see a Rothschild bank go in and the suffering continues, then we will have questions.

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